Has anyone tweeted this to Fox, Hannity anyone else who could publicise as a counter view to Sad IQ Khan's incited London demo?
Brit anon here.
I may upset some anons but I have to be as honest as DJT whom I admire for that very characteristic.
I am a staunch Royalist. I love our Queen. She has been nothing if not dutiful for her very long reign. She has more accumulated wisdom than any come and go, democratically elected President of any country, with their limited terms of office. She surpasses in widom those dictators who have hung on to presidential office through ignoring their electorates.
In short, she has been a wonderful Head of State. I would prefer her to any Kennedy or Bush or Clinton dynasty with their pretence of democratic validity - if that were true they wouldn't exist as dynasties. They are worse, imo, than our hereditary Monarchysince they have real power whereas our Monarch is a figurehead and all power is invested in her Ministers whose directions she is obliged to obey. But Your so-called "elected" Presidents ahev massive power which can be used and abused and passed on to their dynastic successors.
Our Queen fulfills a fantastic role as far as I'm concerned: she occupies the position of head of state so that no upstart President can occupy it.
I like our Monarchy with its limitations of power. It works, afaic, better than the USA system where Presientential clans monoplise the Presidency and have power that our Minarch doesn't to make a ruddy great mess of a republic which DJT (to his credit) is now having to clean up.