Anonymous ID: a6b73a Aug. 18, 2024, 2:13 a.m. No.21433459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3468 >>3480 >>3487

President Trump:


I suggest you watch this YouTube channel, in which a former prosecutor documents police lawlessness and brutality and see how often these types of crimes are committed against the general public. I believe that before 911, backing the blue was the American way, but since then, our police force has been infiltrated by Israeli trained NWO thugs that are trying to turn America into another Palestinian police state. Spend an hour each day and watch a few these videos and you will see, we have a bigger problem then most realize. The military must take over all law enforcement positions until we can have fair elections for these people both federal, state, and local county. I have already programmed a system to address these issues and it is high time that you employ me so we can both MAGA. We do not have a country left.

Anonymous ID: a6b73a Aug. 18, 2024, 2:22 a.m. No.21433468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3469 >>3472 >>3487

>>21433459 NWO Cops

>>21433462 NWO health care providers


They are all part of the same system. Remember, the same cops that were blaring their sirens in NYC for the dancing nurses cutting off traffic and making a spectacle of it all, are the Cops that were body slamming parent in front of their children at parks, harassing people alone at beaches, and also hid behind the PBA lawyers claiming vaccine shots are personal choice when it came time for them to take the vaccine. When their opponents, us, are hospitalized, the health care providers get protection by the cops while they cut lives short. We are a much bigger problem than anyone is stating.

Anonymous ID: a6b73a Aug. 18, 2024, 2:35 a.m. No.21433472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497

>>21433467 About you PDJT



Look at what happened with your assassination attempt. We do not have law enforcement and they just cremated the evidence but remember they kept JFK on ice for well over a year. Not to mention what the FBI did at Mar-a-lago, you can see we have a much bigger problem than most realize. We the people must elect our own law enforcement and all government employees and have the ability to recall them. For the lack of transparency and all the screw ups whether they were accidental or on purpose, the general public would recall many of those people who participated in security on J-13 and we would get to the truth much faster for one reason. And that is, if they want to keep their jobs, then they would all have some explaining to do. Did you know one of the questions this board wanted to ask during your Elon interview was about an autopsy report if the J-13 shooter was shot in the back of the head? See what WTP can do by a consensus? Reach out and let's get busy MAGA.