Anonymous ID: 4edf53 Aug. 18, 2024, 4:38 a.m. No.21433683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Visit The Vasectomy Booth Edition

  1. Once you have their money, never give it back


Lev_7:11 And thisH2063 is the lawH8451 of the sacrificeH2077 of peace offerings,H8002 whichH834 he shall offerH7126 unto the LORD.H3068

Lev_7:13 BesidesH5921 the cakes,H2471 he shall offerH7126 for his offeringH7133 leavenedH2557 breadH3899 withH5921 the sacrificeH2077 of thanksgivingH8426 of his peace offerings.H8002

Lev_7:14 And ofH4480 it he shall offerH7126 oneH259 out of the wholeH4480 H3605 oblationH7133 for an heave offeringH8641 unto the LORD,H3068 and it shall beH1961 the priest'sH3548 that sprinklethH2236 (H853) the bloodH1818 of the peace offerings.H8002

Lev_7:15 And the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of his peace offeringsH8002 for thanksgivingH8426 shall be eatenH398 the same dayH3117 that it is offered;H7133 he shall notH3808 leaveH5117 any ofH4480 it untilH5704 the morning.H1242

Lev_7:18 And ifH518 any of the fleshH4480 H1320 of the sacrificeH2077 of his peace offeringsH8002 be eaten at allH398 H398 on the thirdH7992 day,H3117 it shall notH3808 be accepted,H7521 neitherH3808 shall it be imputedH2803 unto him that offerethH7126 it: it shall beH1961 an abomination,H6292 and the soulH5315 that eatethH398 ofH4480 it shall bearH5375 his iniquity.H5771

Lev_7:20 But the soulH5315 thatH834 eatethH398 of the fleshH1320 of the sacrificeH4480 H2077 of peace offerings,H8002 thatH834 pertain unto the LORD,H3068 having his uncleannessH2932 uponH5921 him, even thatH1931 soulH5315 shall be cut offH3772 from his people.H4480 H5971

peace remember it is a states rights issue is there going to be any live

coverage i hope so the kind that u can depend on peace