Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.21435772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

Ukraine will be ‘destroyed’ if escalation continues – Lukashenko


The Belarusian president has suggested that Moscow and Kiev return to talks based on a tentative agreement reached in Istanbul


“We must sit down at the negotiating table and discuss the issues. But if it goes on like in Kursk Region, this will be an escalation that would result in Ukraine’s destruction,” the Belarusian leader warned, referring to Kiev’s large-scale assault on internationally recognized Russian territory earlier this month.


Lukashenko noted that the belligerents could re-engage based on a proposal by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who suggested picking up where Moscow and Kiev left off last time.


“Yes, the situation on the ground has changed, but this [document] could be a start. A start for a discussion,” he said.


Last month, Putin recalled that the Istanbul deal, under which Ukraine would have agreed to “permanent neutrality” and to downsize its military while receiving certain security guarantees, “remains on the table and could serve as the basis” for a new round of peace talks.


Moscow has said that the talks were on the verge of a breakthrough but were derailed by then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who allegedly advised Kiev to “keep fighting.” Although Johnson has denied the accusation, staff who were close to Vladimir Zelensky admit he had an influential role.


While Russia has repeatedly said throughout the conflict that it is open to talks with Ukraine, Putin has recently said that any engagement with Ukraine is impossible as long as it is conducting attacks on civilians and threatening nuclear power plants – both of which Moscow has accused Kiev of doing during the Kursk incursion.


Zelensky admitted last month that Ukraine could open talks with the current Russian leadership, despite a still-active presidential decree signed in 2022 that forbids doing so. The decree was approved after four former Ukrainian regions voted overwhelmingly to join Russia.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.21435779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

Polish PM calls for Nord Stream scandal to be buried


Whoever funded and carried out the sabotage operation should shut up, Donald Tusk has said


Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has urged those responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines to “keep quiet,” as intelligence sources in Germany point to a joint Polish-Ukrainian plot to destroy the undersea pipelines.


According to German state media, prosecutors in Berlin issued an arrest warrant in June for a Ukrainian national known as ‘Vladimir Z’ in connection with the destruction of the pipelines. Working with a team of saboteurs, Vladimir Z is believed to have rented a yacht in Poland, sailed to a site in the Baltic Sea off the Danish island of Bornholm, and planted explosives on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines.


German investigators filed a cooperation request with their Polish counterparts in the hope of locating the suspect, who is said to have been tracked to a location west of Warsaw before disappearing, German state broadcaster ARD reported.


In a post on X on Saturday, Tusk appeared keen to quash any attempts to investigate the attack.


“To all the initiators and patrons of Nord Stream 1 and 2,” he wrote. “The only thing you should do today about it is apologise and keep quiet.”


According to ARD, Poland, despite EU inter-state regulations, has failed to respond to Berlin’s request for cooperation. In an interview with Die Welt on Thursday, the former president of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, August Hanning, claimed that Poland was likely involved in facilitating the attack.


“The way it seems is that it was a Ukrainian team that… operated there,” he said, referring to Poland. However, he added, “this was of course only possible with support from the land.”


“When we look at the map… pretty evidently, the Polish agencies were engaged here, and I think not only agencies… I think that this was an arrangement between [people] at the top level in Ukraine and in Poland,” he speculated.


Polish Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski rejected Hanning’s accusations, telling the Polsat broadcaster on Friday that “Poland did not take part in anything.”


Back in January, the Wall Street Journal claimed that Poland’s internal security agency refused to turn over testimony from eyewitnesses who encountered the yacht’s crew, withheld CCTV footage from the Polish port of Kolobrzeg where the vessel was moored, and “failed to answer queries, obfuscated or gave contradictory information,” when pressed by German investigators.


The Nord Stream lines were destroyed in September 2022, more than a year before Tusk took office. However, Poland’s previous conservative government appeared to openly approve of the attack, with then-Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski sharing an image of a giant gas leak at the blast site along with the caption “Thank you, USA” within hours of the explosions.


While German investigators have apparently coalesced around the idea that the pipelines were destroyed by Ukrainian saboteurs, an alternate theory put forward by American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the CIA was responsible. Citing sources within the intelligence community, Hersh argued that CIA divers working with the Norwegian Navy planted remotely-triggered bombs on the lines last summer, using a NATO exercise in the region as cover.


The aim of the CIA operation, Hersh’s sources allege, was to sever Germany’s main gas links to Russia, removing the opportunity for Berlin to lift sanctions on Moscow and resume gas deliveries.


Officials in Kiev maintain that Russia blew up its own pipelines, a claim that has been ridiculed by the Kremlin.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.21435804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813 >>5818 >>5863 >>5932 >>6031 >>6053 >>6300 >>6382 >>6384

Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Chromosomes Don't Determine Biological Sex


TV scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson has elicited backlash after claiming that DNA doesn’t determine whether a person is male or female.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21435837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5866 >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

A Consensus No Longer


The American Society of Plastic Surgeons becomes the first major medical association to challenge the consensus of medical groups over “gender-affirming care” for minors.


The main justification for “gender-affirming care” for minors in the United States has been that “all major U.S. medical associations” support it. Critics of this supposed consensus have argued that it is not grounded in high-quality research or decades of honest and robust deliberation among clinicians with different viewpoints and experiences. Instead, it is the result of a small number of ideologically driven doctor-association members in LGBT-focused committees, who exploit their colleagues' trust. Physicians presenting different viewpoints are silenced or kept away from decision-making circles, ensuring the appearance of unanimity.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.21435880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5882 >>5897 >>5926 >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

Pallets of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC; Antifa prepares for ‘summer of rage’


Suspicious deliveries of bricks have been reported in multiple locations across Chicago as the city braces for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 'Hell Week.' Concerns mount as residents and officials recall similar tactics used by Antifa in past protests that erupted into widespread violence.


As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) approaches, Chicago has noticed a concerning trend that has raised alarm among residents and law enforcement. Pallets of bricks have mysteriously appeared on street corners, sparking speculation that the city could experience a new wave of organized chaos similar to other violent protests of previous years.


The presence of these bricks is not an isolated incident but a strategy with a well-known history. In the summer of 2020, similar deliveries were reported in various cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, New York, and Portland. These cities experienced protests against police brutality that turned into riots. Authorities and citizens connected these pallets of bricks to groups such as Antifa, alleging that the groups used them to arm protesters and stoke violence under the guise of legitimate demonstrations.


In Chicago, the arrival of these deliveries has rekindled concerns about ‘Hell Week’—a term used to describe the period surrounding the DNC due to the expected large-scale protests and civil unrest. The gathering of thousands of protesters, activists, and political groups, some with a history of radical action, creates the potential for confrontations. Based on past events, these pallets of bricks could signal the possibility of violent clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement, leading to widespread property damage and chaos.


City officials and law enforcement agencies have reportedly increased surveillance. They monitor social media channels for signs of organized efforts to use bricks in planned attacks. Although no group has claimed responsibility for the deliveries, the strategic placement of these pallets in key locations raises the specter of an orchestrated campaign to turn peaceful protests into violent outbursts.


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has urged calm and assured the public that the city is taking the necessary precautions to ensure safety during the DNC. However, many Chicagoans are haunted by memories of past summers when cities burned and looting became rampant. The possibility of another ‘summer of rage’ looms large, especially with the added volatility of the current political climate.


As Chicago prepares for ‘Hell Week,’ the presence of these bricks is a stark reminder of the fine line between peaceful protest and violent unrest. The city’s response in the days ahead will be crucial in deciding whether Chicago will emerge from this challenge unharmed or be plunged into another chaotic summer.


With the DNC just around the corner, the city’s residents and law enforcement are on high alert. They hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The presence of these bricks could be an ominous sign that the next chapter in the ongoing struggle between radical groups and the establishment is about to unfold on the streets of Chicago. Will this be the flashpoint that reignites a nationwide wave of violence, or will the city maintain control and keep the peace? Only time will tell as the countdown to ‘Hell Week’ continues.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:14 p.m. No.21435901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

A Center for Worker Justice volunteer named Sally Hartman asked Kamala a question about whether or not Kamala is "committing to close the immigration detention centers." Kamala's eager response was:


"Absolutely, on day one – on day one," Kamala said to thunderous applause. "Yes!"

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21435915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

Evangelicals for Harris call for deconstruction of WHITE JESUS, say white evangelicals need to DIE


A Chicago-based second-generation "Latina preacher" by the name of Sandra Van Opstal is leading a panel on behalf of Evangelicals for Harris, a "Christian" campaign organization that wants to deconstruct "white Jesus" while killing off white evangelicals.


On August 14, Opstal will speak alongside other Evangelicals for Harris – Kamala herself endorsed this group, by the way – who say they are tired of "white church" and would rather reimagine "the intersection of faith and justice."


The executive director of another group called Chasing Justice, Opstal contributed to A Rhythm of Prayer. She also authored a book called The Next Worship that one can only imagine from the title is all about recreating the Christian religion in Opstal's image.


Kamala referred to Opstal as a "special speaker" who will present her beliefs during a Zoom call on August 14.


"Just like Malcolm X preached, the 'white liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man,'" someone tweeted on X in response to this insanity.


"The white liberal women in this country think they know what's best for every single other person – it's sickening."

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.21435931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6300 >>6382

Bank of America Corp – Digital passport with verified data provenance




Application filed by Bank of America Corp


Digital passport with verified data provenance

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21435948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6025 >>6104

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “we saw so many deaths from COVID because” former President Donald Trump put out misinformation.


Whitmer said, “Any insult from the Trump campaign is laughable when you think about his years in office and who he fought for. He fought for himself. He’s laid out nothing in terms of a vision for America. He’s feeding into people’s anxieties and anger. That’s what he’s always does. He has never done anything that makes someone’s life a little better.”


She added, “In fact, his time in office we have record job loss. We saw so many deaths from COVID because it was, he put out misinformation, denied that it was even a problem. I mean, this is a guy who he calls other people name, but offers nothing of value to the American people when it comes to a vision or a plan to make people’s lives better. That contrast is stark. What you will see this week in Chicago is a bunch of happy warriors who understand the middle class, understand how we pull more people into the middle class and make sure every one of us can have the path of prosperity and live the American dream and take care of our families.”

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:25 p.m. No.21435959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5966 >>5971 >>6031 >>6095 >>6300 >>6382

Almost 14,000 People in Britain Are Seeking Compensation, Saying Covid Vaccines Left Them Disabled


Freedom of Information requests made by the Telegraph show that payments have already been awarded for conditions including stroke, heart attack, dangerous blood clots, inflammation of the spinal cord, excessive swelling of the vaccinated limb and facial paralysis.


Around 97% of claims awarded relate to the AstraZeneca jab, with just a handful of payments made for damage from Pfizer or Moderna.


Since the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) was founded in 1979 it has had around 16,000 applications, but the Covid jab has made up the vast majority of claims.


Seb Sanders, the British champion flat race jockey, has been fighting on behalf of his wife, Leona, who was left hospital-bound after three Covid jabs, but their claim was rejected.


Mrs. Sanders, 52, who suffered from the rare autoimmune disorder granulomatosis – which causes inflammation of the blood vessels – was told the jab would not interfere with her condition and, if anything, would be ineffective, because of her impaired immune system.


She had her first AstraZeneca jab in February 2021, followed by a booster in April.


“It was only a day or two after that she collapsed in the bathroom, her left leg had given way, but we weren’t blaming the injection because nobody had warned us, so we never put two and two together,” said Mr Sanders, who is now a pundit for Sky Sports Racing.


However Mrs Sanders’ condition rapidly deteriorated after a third vaccine – this time Pfizer – in December, when paralysis started to move upwards from her feet.


She was admitted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, where a scan revealed transverse myelitis, a swelling on the spinal cord, which is a known side-effect of the vaccine.


The condition left her unable to walk for seven months and in spite of a brief remission in the summer of 2022, her condition has continued to deteriorate, exacerbated by picking up Covid and developing sepsis while in hospital.


“The collapses all came just days after she had the vaccine,” said Mr. Sanders. “But the medical assessor rejected the claim.


“The medical notes said she had a history of back pain and multiple falls, but Leona never complained about back pain or had falls before the jab. She was very active, always with the horses. She never sat down.


“It’s flawed me. I don’t like being made to feel like I am a liar.”

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.21436009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

IDF leaders didn’t know intel chiefs obtained Hamas battle plan in April 2022 – report


Television report says 40-page document detailing Hamas’s plans for Oct. 7 assault was withheld from military, political leadership even after concerns were raised


IDF intelligence chiefs never told Israel’s most senior military and political leaders that Unit 8200 had in April 2022 obtained a document setting out Hamas’s plans for what proved to be the October 7 invasion and slaughter in southern Israel, Channel 12 reported on Saturday.


The existence of the document, which Israeli military intelligence codenamed “Jericho Walls,” was first reported in The New York Times in November 2023.


The 40-page plan, the Times reported at the time, laid out almost exactly how Hamas eventually wound up carrying out the attack: “The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot — all of which happened on Oct. 7.”


Israeli intelligence officers reportedly determined that the terror group was incapable of carrying out an assault of such a large scope, or possibly unwilling, and dismissed concerns about it.


According to a Channel 12 report on Saturday night, the Arabic language document, which was written in October 2021, was obtained by the Military Intelligence Directorate’s Unit 8200 in April 2022 and translated. It was seen by IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, 8200 commander Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel, Gaza Division commander Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, and then IDF Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Eliezer Toledano, the report said.


fence east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP)

IDF intelligence chiefs never told Israel’s most senior military and political leaders that Unit 8200 had in April 2022 obtained a document setting out Hamas’s plans for what proved to be the October 7 invasion and slaughter in southern Israel, Channel 12 reported on Saturday.


The existence of the document, which Israeli military intelligence codenamed “Jericho Walls,” was first reported in The New York Times in November 2023.


The 40-page plan, the Times reported at the time, laid out almost exactly how Hamas eventually wound up carrying out the attack: “The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot — all of which happened on Oct. 7.”


Israeli intelligence officers reportedly determined that the terror group was incapable of carrying out an assault of such a large scope, or possibly unwilling, and dismissed concerns about it.


According to a Channel 12 report on Saturday night, the Arabic language document, which was written in October 2021, was obtained by the Military Intelligence Directorate’s Unit 8200 in April 2022 and translated. It was seen by IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, 8200 commander Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel, Gaza Division commander Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, and then IDF Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Eliezer Toledano, the report said.


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It was not seen by IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, deputy chief Maj. Gen. Amir Baram, Israel Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar, or senior IDF operations officers Maj. Gen. Oded Basiuk and Brig. Gen. Shlomi Binder. It was also not seen by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, or the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.


The document showed “Hamas was not deterred,” contradicting the prevailing IDF assessment, former IDF intelligence chief Aharon Ze’evi-Farkash told Channel 12. Therefore it should obviously have been followed up rather than dismissed. “It needed to be thoroughly checked.”


The TV report said that in the months preceding October 7, IAF chief Bar felt that the Air Force was not getting adequate intelligence on developments in Gaza and that meetings were held with Unit 8200 about this concern — the last one of which was held about a week before October 7. But even then, Bar was not told about the Hamas “Jericho Walls” battle plan document.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21436032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jewish NGOs, Ottawa mayor withdraw from pride parade over 'genocide' statement


Jewish organizations and Ottawa's mayor pull out of Capital Pride after its controversial statement accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, sparking community tensions.


Canadian Jewish organizations and the Ottawa mayor withdrew from attending a pride parade in the capital over the organizer’s statement of solidarity with Palestinians that alleged that Israel was conducting genocide in Gaza.


Ahead of Capital Pride’s August 25 parade it released an August 6 statement in which it condemned Hamas’s October 7 massacre but said, “By the same token, we cannot stay silent in the face of Israel’s endless and brutal campaign in Gaza and mounting violence in the West Bank, where innocent Palestinians” were being “slaughtered, dehumanized, and dispossessed of their land in flagrant violation of international law.”


Capital Pride incorrectly claimed that the International Court of Justice stated that there was a “plausible risk of genocide” and committed to recognizing the “ongoing genocide against Palestinians” in their 2024 events opening remarks. The pride organizer also resolved to integrate official Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions blacklists into its sponsorship review program and said it would call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.21436041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6054 >>6207

Lindsey Graham: ‘Donald Trump the Provocateur, the Showman May Not Win This Election’


Graham said, “Yeah. I don’t think — I don’t look at Vice President Kamala Harris as a lunatic. I look at her as the most liberal person to ever be nominated for president in the history of the United States. She’s going to the Soviet Union playbook to lower prices called price control. She wants to eliminate private health care. She’s for reparations. She’s against fracking. She’s with the Green New Deal on and on. So, I would make it about policy. A nightmare for Harris is to defend her policy choices.”


Welker asked, “Do you think former President Trump should stop talking about Vice President Harris’s race and intelligence?”


Graham said, “President Trump can win this election. His policies are good for America. If you have a policy debate, he wins. Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election.”

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.21436062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6086 >>6300 >>6382

WA confined hundreds for sexual violence. Then it quietly began releasing them.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21436075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote – Includes a Script for Undocumented Aliens – Led By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21436105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

Intense Wave Of Israeli Strikes Leaves Casualties In Southern Lebanon


Another wave of Israeli strikes hit southern Lebanon, the heartland of Hezbollah, on August 18, causing a number of casualties.


In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that it struck a Hezbollah cell and a weapons depot of the group in the town of Chebaa. Another weapons depot and a building used by the group were struck in the towns of Ayta ash-Shab and Matmoura. A rocket launcher was also hit in the town of at-Tiri, according to the military.


Lebanese media reported that a man was killed in the Chebaa strike, without clarifying if he was a civilian or a Hezbollah fighter.


In addition, three Ghanaian peacekeepers were reportedly wounded when a vehicle of the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon was hit near the town of Dhayra.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.21436136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

CDC Admits NO DOCUMENTATION For the Existence of the Monkey Pox Virus After a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request!


Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer confessed that the men and women at U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) have absolutely no documentation whatsoever regarding the origin of the so-called "monkeypox virus" image posted on their website, or the methodology used to obtain said image.


Since Roger couldn't provide any documentation, he instead quoted claims that were allegedly sent to him by some unidentified man or woman at the National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases. Roger would not disclose whether or not the skin tissue used in the image had been stored in "virus transport medium" (containing fetal bovine serum, etc.) prior to imaging, or who performed the imaging….

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.21436153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

Israel sought to bypass foreign agent law to spread propaganda in US: Report


A new investigation reveals that the Israeli government sought to create third-party nonprofit groups to funnel funds to US Jewish and Christian groups spreading Israeli propaganda


The Israeli government sought legal advice on how to bypass US federal law governing the spreading of propaganda among the US population by foreign states, an investigation published on 17 August by The Guardian in collaboration with journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson shows.


US federal law requires the disclosure of foreign-backed lobbying campaigns, but leaked documents reviewed by The Guardian show the Israeli government sought legal advice concerning the law out of concern that Jewish and Christian Zionist lobbying groups working in coordination with the Israeli government would be required to register as foreign agents and disclose their ties to Israel.


The documents, which include emails and legal memos originating from a hack of the Israeli justice ministry, show that Israeli officials proposed creating a new US nonprofit in order to continue Israel’s activities in the US while avoiding scrutiny under the law.


Lee Fang and Jack Poulson write, “A legal strategy memo dated July 2018 noted that compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) would damage the reputation of several American groups that receive funding and direction from Israel and force them to meet onerous transparency requirements. A separate memo noted that donors would not want to fund groups registered under FARA.”


The memo says the Israeli government was worried about FARA because it compels registrants to “flag any piece of ‘propaganda’ that is distributed to two or more parties in the US, with a disclaimer stating that it was delivered by a foreign agent and then submit a copy of the ‘propaganda’ to the US Department of Justice within 48 hours.”


To prevent FARA registration and the stigma and scrutiny associated with it, the legal advisors suggested channeling funds through a third-party US nonprofit.


Liat Glazer, a legal advisor to Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, wrote that even though the new US nonprofit would not be formally managed from Israel, “we will have means of supervision and management” through grant-making and “informal coordination mechanisms” such as “oral meetings and updates.”


The Israeli government sought legal advice from Sandler Reiff, a prominent election and campaign law firm in Washington, DC. Joseph E. Sandler, the former in-house general counsel to the Democratic National Committee, and Joshua I. Rosenstein, a widely-cited expert on FARA, provided the legal advice on behalf of the firm.


Fang and Poulson add that the Israeli government was specifically concerned that a US-based nonprofit, “Kela Shlomo” (which translates to “Solomon’s Sling”) would be forced to register under FARA.


The group was formed in 2017 by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs to distribute Israeli propaganda.


Rebranded as “Concert” in 2018 and “Voices of Israel” in 2021, the group focused on undermining the BDS movement, which leads boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaigns against Israel in protest of its illegal occupation of Palestine and apartheid laws.


The emails and documents were released by Distributed Denial of Secrets, or DDoSecrets, a US-based nonprofit. The documents were obtained by “Anonymous for Justice,” a self-described “hacktivist collective” that announced in April that it had infiltrated Israel’s Ministry of Justice and retrieved hundreds of gigabytes of data.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:12 p.m. No.21436206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

America’s Search for New Enemies


Fake foreign threats are used to validate poor policy choices


Does anyone really think that Iran threatens the United States? It’s only plausible if you can be convinced by a congenital liar and war criminal like Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or by a buffoon like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. My head was still throbbing recently due to the damage done while watching Netanyahu’s 56 standing ovations from a bought and paid for Congress when I came across among my old books a volume bearing a title that summed up what I have been thinking about. It was called “In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story” and was written by a former Agency colleague named John Stockwell back in 1978.


Stockwell spent part of his high school years with his Presbyterian missionary father in the Belgian Congo. He then graduated from the University of Texas followed by three years in the United States Marine Corps. He joined the CIA in 1964 and earned respect as an experienced “Africa Hand,” as the expression was commonly used, during his twelve years in the Agency’s Operations Deputy Directorate that ended when he resigned in 1976. Stockwell served as a case officer through three wars: the Congo Crisis, as chief of the Agency “task force” in the Angolan War of Independence, and Vietnam. Six of Stockwell’s years were in Africa, as Chief of Base in Katanga, then Chief of Station in Bujumbura, Burundi in 1970, before being transferred to Vietnam to oversee intelligence operations in Tay Ninh province where he received the CIA Intelligence Medal of Merit for keeping his post operating until just before the fall of Saigon to the communists in 1975.


In his resignation letter, Stockwell cited deep concerns over the methods and results of CIA paramilitary operations in Third World countries and he subsequently testified to that effect before Congressional committees. Two years later, he wrote In Search of Enemies, about that experience and its broader implications. He claimed that the CIA was damaging national security, and that its “secret wars” provided no benefit for the United States. The CIA, he stated, had singled out the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) to be an enemy in Angola despite the fact that the MPLA wanted good relations with the United States and had not threatened the US in any way. In 1978 he appeared on the American television program 60 Minutes to discuss his book, inter alia claiming that CIA Director William Colby and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had systematically lied to Congress and the public about the CIA’s operations in Africa and elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.21436218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reader- "I predict if there is ever another civil war in America it will be because Americans are left with no choice but to purge Zionism from our nation. We have no representation in government, our elections are obviously rigged, our military is little more than an attack and guard dog for a foreign country, inflation is out of control. Things have been bad for a while now, the difference now is people are starting to see the truth."

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.21436245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

Steve Kirsch -Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine success story


If the COVID vaccine is so darn effective, why are there no success stories? If it worked, the biggest impact would be in the nursing homes. Every nursing home should be a success story, right?


The reason that there isn't a real-world success anecdote is because the COVID shots didn't work. Only in the fantasy world of papers in the peer-reviewed journals did the COVID vaccines save lives.

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.21436258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6299

I just read a paper by Dr. Sam Bailey and 19 other MDs and scientists titled, 'Settling the Virus Debate' and they

claim that viruses don't exist in the real world. They are only computer simulations, but none have ever been isolated. Checkout the paper here,

Anonymous ID: 49b6f4 Aug. 18, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.21436277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6382

Massive Bank Fraud Ring Busted: 40 Arrested For Using Dark Web Data To Steal From Victims


In a sweeping law enforcement operation, 40 suspects have been arrested for their roles in a complex bank fraud scheme that stole between $360,000 and $600,000 from unsuspecting victims using personal information obtained from the dark web. The victims, who were primarily from the Houston area, had no idea their private data had been compromised until they noticed missing funds.


The operation, named “Operation Cash Back,” uncovered a network of criminals who used the stolen data to access victims’ bank accounts and make unauthorized wire transfers. The group then laundered the money through accounts belonging to friends, family members, and others recruited through social media.


Mont Belvieu Police Chief Jimmy Ellison highlighted the sophistication of the scheme, saying, “Crooks have nothing but time to figure out how to get your data,” and urged the public to take steps to protect their personal information.


The scheme’s ringleaders, identified as 23-year-old Gregory Edwards III, 25-year-old Doc Frank, 20-year-old Jayson Gipson, and 21-year-old Lajewel McGilbray, face charges of organized criminal activity and money laundering. Some of the criminal associates were located in other states, including Georgia and Illinois, demonstrating the scheme’s far-reaching nature.


As the investigation continues, authorities are working to identify additional suspects involved in the operation. Online security experts recommend using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and utilizing biometric security features to protect against similar fraud.