Anonymous ID: e8ff4f Aug. 18, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21435640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5680 >>5687



for those who do not think that shutting up in men and boys in the u.k is not a bad thing should know that the deep state are testing these measures out in the u.k cos the retarded in the u.k thought it was ok to vote labour or not vote.

covered the issue with women especially here.

Do not let it habben in the usa.

Anons in the u.k can wait to deal with this crap,really not a good idea to hold in your emotions until the man bursts.

expect this to escalate as females who weaponize this against those they have a grudge against. #Metoo.


Anonymous ID: e8ff4f Aug. 18, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.21435709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


section from THE FOUR RED PILLS

We now live a society where most males are no longer head of the house hold, and have female bosses, most of human resources is run by women and even though feminists are still protesting that things are not equal, it is actually now at a unfair level, female nature is to complain loudly trying to get the attention of everyone who will listen , backed up by the state and feminist lobbyists, whilst males are generally more stoic,

we now have almost 35 % of households which are single parent with the majority being single mothers who the state props up with handouts, this is leading to unruly kids, again not all, prisons with most of the population from single mother households, substance abuse, I will state this again , not all but the majority of households in poorer areas and with community housing or council estates have these problems, The way women generally control their children is through emotional bargaining or blackmail, unfortunately we have now almost a second generation who have been bought up like this and so even the male children are showing these traits, now known as the left, liberal or pro feminist thinking, their usual method is to start trouble and then play the victim, with the female vote up to over 50% this now means that the voting demographic has changed , add this to the grey vote and you have a easy manipulated voter base who will willing give away their anonymity , leading to less privacy and finally eroding of civil rights, we are heading towards a 1984 George Orwell style society, this is a very serious issue as the civilian who follows all the laws is still under surveillance.

how long before we go the way of China and have social credit system thrust upon everyone, this is the worst type of dystopia imaginable thrust upon any people's and it is a voluntary, voted by the peoples on themselves on their own people, we are almost at the point of the Stalin population when the family would turn in their own family members for wrong think.

he problems created are the problems that have always existed but with the rise of technology and AI the population is easier to reach and influence, with smart phones the media companies have direct access to almost the entire population of the western voting public, and most governments have been under the influence of media companies for decades, it is even said that Murdock of the newspaper the sun, sky platform and now fox news has had a back door to 10 down Street and literally every politician ever voted into number 10 has had to go to him and ask for his indorsement, now we have Facebook, Google, Twitter and the other social media controlling the narrative to populations around the world in any language, with The divide and conquer agenda and division against men and women, religion , race, colour old and young, and influencing other politics and cultures, and any other ideology that can be dreamt up, it is easier to pick off individuals who understand or can explain this or anything that goes against the narrative the media wants to put out,



Anonymous ID: e8ff4f Aug. 18, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.21435785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5815


No thank you.

anon is not joining your club.

talk to anon here.

anon might not agree with your tactics but anon will remain here doing anons digging, memeing and praying.

anon has nothing to hide, will not be providing a email, even a fake one or donating anything to get proto.

As for jim's great work and this place.

anon thanks him and wishes him all the best.

nothing but respect for him and his labours.

God will provide, anon will continue to give anons time for free so there is moar here than sycophants and brown nosers and spammers.

there are 78 days left after that

anon will be gone.

It will than be in Gods hand to do as he pleases and we will see if djt is the real deal. which anon believes he is, anon has even questioned Q's motives as containment psyop, but having djt in the highest office in the strongest country in the world is worth taking a chance on.