Anonymous ID: 0d0f7c Aug. 18, 2024, 7:41 p.m. No.21438225   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8228 >>8364 >>8445 >>8564 >>8664 >>8717


Nichole Liza






Anyone familiar with alcoholism has to see that Kamala Harris has a drinking problem, right?


  1. She's drunk in public and on video. She's not stupid or awkward or joyful She's drunk. Day drunk. On the job. In front of cameras. In front of kids. She's drunk. Watch the videos and see for yourself.


  1. Her campaign team and the Biden Admin manage her the way families attempt to manage alcoholic parents: The campaign is hyper-controlling, keeping her from any situation that might expose her secret - hence not allowing her to speak off-script, and refusing press conferences.

The Biden Admin was unhappy with Kamala and reluctant to give her responsibility. Though the administration did not admit it publicly, aides and staff reported it to the press with enough regularity that it was considered basic fact.


  1. The ENTIRE JOY CAMPAIGN IS AN ELABORATE COVER FOR HER PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS. It's the classic "Mom's not drunk, she's just really happy!" on a national scale. It's like being gaslit by dysfunctional parents into pretending our alcoholic mom/aunt/grandma/whatever is just fine, thank you, keep smiling, the world is watching and if we pretend hard enough maybe we can fool ourselves into being happy, too!

You'll have to up the volume but look at the kids' faces. They know.




2:52 AM ยท Aug 18, 2024