>>2143873 l/b
No. She is required strictly to be apolitical, I think a lot of the animus concering our Queen is becaue US anons simply do not undrstand our constitution and realise that the Queen's powers are invested in her Ministers, i.e. the elected government. She cannot act apart from through the democcratically elected government. It is my observation that many US anons mistekenly believe that our Queen has powers similar to your Presidents. That is just not th case. As I said before, the best thing she does ist o prevent upstarts like Obama occupying a position that is available to fraudsters in a \repulblic but not in our Constitutional Monarchy.
Btw, thank you for your civil reply ad genuine enquiry. I wish that more anons were cut from the same cloth. Many of them sound exactly like the Dems in the Judiciary Oversight Committee hearing - irrationally blind and stupid.