Sorry it took me 5,000 years to fix the Catalog. I got frozen, still thawing out. Otzifag
[Warner] is very dirty. He's def /them/
Just do a name filter.
Did you notice the Catalog went down as soon as the exposure of masons commenced? I did. Rooting out the evils of masonry is advanced-level kekism, beyond swamp-draining and lock her up.
We need to find out how we are funding anything "London" and terminate it immediately.
A good dig is to find out how much the US is paying to London for anything, then we can ask Q to work on terminating the payments.
Namefilter this loser.
Does he mean one Defendant?
Accusing your opponents of what you yourself are doing is a basic commie/alinskyite tactic.
Muzzie truck bombers never show up where they are really needed.
The kind of scheme they dream up at the Lodge.
Namefilter this asshole.
The best slaves are those who think they are free. The Queen owns everything and all of Britain's problems are directly attributable to her. Nothing happens without her approval. Before you tell me I dont know anything about Britain, I'm half-English and have been going over there on and off for the past 50 years.
Congratulations on memorizing the party lie, I mean line.
She's witchy like Killary. Anybody know anything about that?
Constitutional Carry eliminates the need for the corrupt masonic police nationwide.
They're all filthy dirty from the moment theyvowto enforce the revenue code against the People who actually own the country. The govt does not own the country. The police are merely the corrupt thuggish street face of an extremely corrupt govt.
Because A Trump/Pooty Poot/Xie alliance destroys them utterly. Pooty and Xie dont mind the legal restrictions, they can just take /them/ out.
Dont kid yourself. She personally owns everything in Britain and nothing happens without her express consent. She's head of Church, State, and Bank, and the country's Landlord.
They all had facebook accounts and posted this meme. IN-DICTED!
The formerly super hot ScarJo. Libtardism is a progressive mental disease that badly affects physical appearance.
Name filter
Please stop replying.
Please stop replying or namefilter.
But muh rank and muh file are gud peeples.
The Swedes are the worst brainwashed idiots in Europe.
The FBI will appear quickly at any crime scene they are supposed to cover up. Vegas, Parkland, etc. etc. etc.
The British are by far the most ignorant about the Queen, because they are brainwashed by their own families from birth.
Awan should bring down 30-40 more House demoncrats.