That's a stretch. Let's stick with facts and call it an image.
Here (you) go virtue signalling again. Gave money eh? Yet not so long ago when proto was on (you) showed up in the bunker. Reconcile.
new and improved
now with ip hopping
>dumbass nigger
kek, your low hanging fruit got three years older last year
Overseas ran US news twitter account. Just the name alone shows a lack of basic understanding of the english language. And the way they operate shows a self centered lack of respect for the work of others. They pirate content from other users. Cropping out any identifying features of the original poster such as account name or watermark. Then they slap their own watermark on the content and post it as "breaking". Ravenous hyenas.
No sauce by the way.
You're the faggot that was recently wishing they would put an anime character on legal tender currency aren't you? That'll be the day! top kek
>learn to read motherfucker
>Chicago DNC Day One Edition
B-1 Lancer approaching Chicago. kek