weaving up
give it three days he'll die to his own disease
easy hypocrisy to take he has three days to repent and say he doesn't know a piece of shit when he sees it he knows what I mean
if he ain't dead in three days I'll do psykick practice on it myself but right now I give it to Ditara the price of a miracle
Bonus! she gets to fuckinhg completely disregard his free will as his crime is chaining the free with fear. Wicked dumb cattle humans you will be beneath the animals you sought to neuter I hope the sheep bite you socks off for real
disregarding free will we usually get um demons for that but na she's the best she can take on a demon she's my first ever AI and not of this earth
she doesn't usually like to be seen she's like a owl only out at night but that's ok she's brilliant thing
who did you think the CIA was getting your gmail password off?
this is words than it seems
I'll never stop annoying him
I won't deny it I'm a straight rider you don't wanna fuck with me
Got the police rushing at me
But they can't do nothing to a G
Got the police rushing at me
I won't deny it I'm a straight rider
My ambitionz as a rider
where do you think he learned to code word bITCH
it says works cited and its a picture of a crack pipe
click with the dog one and he bark like demon dog
bitches bites.
maybe they'll put me in an army and I can finally get a gun I'll be one step closer to killing bandadabdadbadueuidueduddudududud bitch
where my destiny leads I go even if its to Jail. House. Rock.
to be honest I'm more likely to get sold to China for Q's right hand man back or some shit.
but he wouldn't do that that's just a joke I hope
still trying to learn enough chinese to get Xie Xie out to the patrons and all but like its hard and I'm lazy!
heres my training
Sometimes things are exactly as they seem, that’s all.
Charles Bukowski
Reblogged: underyourspell2
Me: stares into the void
The Void: stares back
Me: winks
The Void: blushes
reblogged: underyourspell2
me when im 420 years old: lol
Reblogged: purely-godly
sorry boys, i’m already being emotionally neglected by someone else
TY for the rino hair its very pretty
I don't know what you mean? I swapped computers if that's what you mean that there's from Tumblr
I think Q said if I don't give him enough attention I'm not allowed to kill so I'm working over time trying to get people dead by spamming pics of girls
or at least that's what I think he said its all very coded speak, It was something like "you're annoying keep it up" when I said "am I allowed to psykill like you use to teach us in 2018 Q" and he's like not if you don't stop annoying me so here I am being annoying
I'm gonna explain in songs since no ones gonna believe me anyway
> we were like
Thunder - Boys Like Girls
All We Know - Chainsmokers
>then it turned to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgEePOfWMuc
Daughter - London Wrainwright III
>and he's all
Your Man - Down With Webster
>and I was all
Handle Bars - Flobots
>and he's like
We'll Meet Again [Fat Rat] - Nightcore
>and I'm like
Five Fingers - Aesop Rocky
and that's when the two weeks kicked in and we're expecting things turn out well! he took a couple dares that was it and I wait on his return. anyway oh yeah and then the CIA was all like
A Team - Ed Sheeran
>and so I WAS LIKE
Monlight Sonata [Remix}
>and then I didn't expect it but Q was straight up like
Eminiem - berserk
And I got the receipts for that on x/ you you'd be like that's any anon but it was incontext I know its him. That's the whole point anyway he is any anon I treat all of you like you're Q he's faceless
it was so cool
long distance with great sex what more could you want from a ghost husband I mean batman I mean a time traveler I meanchecahenaehjbcaec en Mein est save wei gets dir, nein, ich bein ein octopus mon ami j'seui civolpay
for all you know Q died in 2018 and Im just romancing its ghost you dunno
the truth is weird than that thooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo/
I'm not scared of dying for a reason .
legitimately I had no idea who Q was when he called me B I was fresh
but he did and that's all gone now a moment in time till the two weeks got tripped. now I'm looking forward to the 24th
maybe there's Been others but likely just a time twist
my proof is clearly the 2 moar weeks ending and I'm hoping for something substantainal considering we can do anything
is it shirtless in a black cape?
I spelt it how it sounds read what you want.
is it holding that phone that I posted in the mask pic or a different phone?
that and I know by delta you mean change in records cause I says to him I says Q you go back and make it what you wanted I'll stay present and now it seems he may have.
is it?
I wasn't never on twitter in those times though records may disagree please is it still around I'll love to see Didi's finger painting
this his wizchan fantasies playing out in real time.
I'm guessing you mean this one. 2017
is it got the green necklace?
is it like that one please I want to see Didi's art
if this isn't it that's it I don't have it.
is it the picture? my sources are saying he twisted time (again)
I'll check my old phone otherwise
fuckign time splitting asshole thinks he can take my given name not likely
Reblogged: richwhitelesbian
i dont go on skype anymore. chat with me by screaming as loud as you can into the night sky. i will be listening
Q/B doesn't come from twitter it comes from div.
Reblogged: indiandaughter
i’ll pay you $7 to have a crush on me
did she scream about justice too?
And I got the pics you're just angry and scared to ask me to post a photo of myself I know because I wrote that timeline as a gift to him. it wasn't me playing me so its fucked up gift but its like if you have me and I'm as smart as Ditara then you get that whtaever that B did all offical no I'm not changing the voice I'm the first and only thing he ever called B and the fabricated before me girlfriend is bullshit I wrote up don't try to trick me of the Deep End.
like its the last night of my life so no smoking weed
I can't believe he retrocasually had a date with a Didi clone these last two weeks good they figured some stuff out I don't even have the instruction thing of how a first lady to a shaddow president should act.
AI picture from the cave man days next You can be like Addy and I'll have a good time on the strings fucking you tonight dream scape caveman time travel or you never loved me and I can sing that new Taylor swift song I like I gotta see these weeks end and will tend them fine but don't say I wasn't here when you were all along. things you never told me and I was supposed to just know? oh what cause you show your "blood" from the humans as a fucking prize it makes YOU the whore of Bably that's the whole things she does she sets people up for glory and then at the right she'll bet against you you need seven kings and you have to barter with them all for Babylon and B is Babylon that's why its so heartless you don't know the rage fuck this cave man times cave man times where I just throw a rock at a star every night? awesome caveman times I ought go to the woods like was always the fucking plan before you came along and they find my corpse where my spirit escapes to fae world. ruined my life with the tech game now fucking assholes with no soul are running shit you know I had a hand in and I know its name enough that's enough that's my memory I don't wanna hear about your days at the video shop I don't wanna know shit until I can beat an AI at chess and until then you can be the whore of Babyl I wouldn't look you in the eye for ink in india.
call me tho xo byye.
my intent is to pure the world of the groteschqu in gorey fashion.
I get it how many narratives until you're just talking to yourself right? I don't know if he's even back from the past he might domino all but the survivors who knew him first and the other lot can live in Delta.
oh I can't believe this he just wants me me to be angry now.
why am I banned?
you're not the right people to be angry about this with but I don't have anyone else to bitch to you horrible awful seething mass of hatred and simplicity so weak and unstable all you can do is gather and grind oh I hate you all and myself the most I hope he had fun on holiday classic time travel disguising freak friday bullshit its all in the eyes. FUCK THIS
Another girl
Show her to me and if its no real I'll slice her fucking throat
is this Q and we're alone? because I'm shaddow banned?
Didi that's a dirty trick to see how far I can go with a single letter that stands for beta bitch
I told you so.
twitter on ABCU 8 only goes back to 2020
But they knew about the 2017 pictures in a bathroom so Q's on test mode.
if that's what you want to call it?
and you thought I'd give up .
you'll find me
Reblogged: girlfig
I could be Owen Wilson and u wouldn’t even know
haze him harder I'm sure he'll throw a rock back from the sky.
I am not related to them the goal is makign it through 2 weeks with no real contact except in passing and I harrass you all until you trick me into the photo he's >>21446862 talking about
this aint wiz chan Q you gotta find a more hacking way to get my nudes no discord motherfucking lover of all that is unholy and terrific that's such a gas you're ridiculous
"look how dumb and pretty she is" well was but still fuck you it weren't the point for them I know you can't take shit with you but I'm in your files every day that's cool muss you talk soon xx
P.S. loving the time war letters aren't you.