Anonymous ID: 8b6aa9 Aug. 20, 2024, 5:07 a.m. No.21447162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robby Starbuck



The meme has been updated. Maybe now the haters will understand that my strategy works.


We’re winning and we WILL make corporations sane again. You’re going to love what comes next. Get on board or get out of the way. 🔥🔥🔥

Anonymous ID: 8b6aa9 Aug. 20, 2024, 6:14 a.m. No.21447374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7522

Boeing grounds entire 777X test fleet after discovering engine defect


Boeing has been forced to ground its entire 777X test fleet - the latest in a series of blows to the embattled manufacturer that's lasted several years. The 777X is Boeing's latest and most state-of-the-art aircraft, was supposed to start commercial service in 2020.


That timeline has since been pushed back until 2025, as the discovery - a failed component connected to the jet's engine - threatens to hamper it even further. The find was made over the weekend, after of the test planes landed in Hawaii, bearing damage on an important component that connects the engine to the structure of the aircraft.


Subsequent inspections found the same cracks on two other active test plane's engines. The news service to first report the details was the Air Current, spurring a statement from Boeing Monday.


'During scheduled maintenance, we identified a component that did not perform as designed,' the statement sent to read.

'Our team is replacing the part and capturing any learnings from the component and will resume flight testing when ready.


'We are keeping the FAA fully informed on the issue and have shared information with our customers.' The malfunction comes weeks after the FAA cleared test flights for long-awaited 777X aircraft. It features new GE9X engines, new composite wings, and increased cabin width and seating from its forebears. The part in question connects to the GE9X engines, which are made by General Electric (GE).


It's made by Boeing and is unique to the 777X, made of heavy titanium and called a 'thrust link.' It's distinct to the plane in part because of a partnership between the companies that began in 2014, which saw GE become Boeing's sole engine maker for larger jets like the 777X.



Anonymous ID: 8b6aa9 Aug. 20, 2024, 7:59 a.m. No.21447886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7950

Is this proof the Turin Shroud IS real? Scientists make startling discovery after analysing cloth 'Jesus was buried in'


  • Scientists claim the Turin Shroud can be dated back to the time of Jesus' life

  • A Wide-Angle X-ray scattering technique was used to re-date the shroud

  • Experts make 'groundbreaking' discovery where Jesus performed miracles


A controversial linen shroud - regarded by some to be the one Jesus was buried in - has baffled the world for more than centuries.


When it was first exhibited in the 1350s, the Shroud of Turin was touted as the actual burial shroud used to wrap the mutilated body of Christ after his crucifixion. Also known as the Holy Shroud, it bears a faint image of the front and back of a bearded man, which many believers is Jesus' body miraculously imprinted onto the fabric.


But research in the 1980s appeared to debunk the idea it was real after dating it to the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after Christ's death. Now, Italian researchers who used a new technique involving x-rays to date the material have confirmed it was manufactured around the time of Jesus about 2,000 years ago.


They say the fact the timelines add up lends credence to the idea that the faint, bloodstained pattern of a man with his arms folded in front were left behind by Jesus' dead body.


The Bible states that Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Jesus in a linen shroud and placed it inside the tomb. Matthew 27:59-60 reads: 'Then Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a new linen cloth. He put Jesus’ body in a new tomb that he had dug in a wall of rock. Then he closed the tomb by rolling a very large stone to cover the entrance. After he did this, he went away.'


The burial cloth has captivated the imagination of historians, church chiefs, skeptics and Catholics since it was first presented to the public in the 1350s. It has been preserved since 1578 in the royal chapel of the cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy.

Anonymous ID: 8b6aa9 Aug. 20, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.21447989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8015

Donald Trump Jr.



So let me get this straight:

@Tim_Walz has lied about going to war, lied about his military rank, lied about not knowing his unit was deploying to Iraq, lied about his DUI arrest and now has also been caught lying about his wife undergoing IVF treatment? Who vetted this guy? 🤡