That's a boom fellas
Pakistan was part of the Awan spy infiltration plot.
Pakistan was big big part of bad guys plan
Just not sure what.
Ousted PM…confirmation.
July is big month so far.
Anyone keeping track of shit?
That's a boom fellas
Pakistan was part of the Awan spy infiltration plot.
Pakistan was big big part of bad guys plan
Just not sure what.
Ousted PM…confirmation.
July is big month so far.
Anyone keeping track of shit?
>>2144862 Is what it is
>>2144932 No, no my POTUS isn't there to show himself humbled by her/his power.
No, let's see them do some bowing for a while maybe.
No, I'm done hearing the Royal Protocols
Is it a Monarchy or not? Are they FREE or under a Tyrant, I can't tell.
>>2145067 Ditto
Sorry i just said Ditto
Guess I better start shaving my legs and start calling myself Susan.
Totally Unrelated.
Bug-A-Salt gun is best fly killer ever made
What does Significant variance Threshold mean?
What is typical case load?
Is this high or average?
the quicker you realize that you'll never actually find that ONE JACKPOT DOT, via your legal, publicly available efforts, the sooner you'll realize the true value comes from your mass and the ability to more swiftly than wikileaks, sift through info, find what's needed, discuss and move on in a new direction. Your mass and ability to concentrate epic efforts, is what's most scary, for (((them)))