>>2144669 (lb)
You're right. I skimmed your comment too quickly. I thought you meant that the informal name could be used as a formal surname. And yeah like you said, the article's patronymic names make no sense.
>>2144669 (lb)
You're right. I skimmed your comment too quickly. I thought you meant that the informal name could be used as a formal surname. And yeah like you said, the article's patronymic names make no sense.
Kek! to Putin's jew comment
Why the hell did the queen walk to the other side? Maybe she's not all there upstairs.
That's why faggots think 2 "dads" are ok
So now the narrative will be that Trump "colluded" with Israel? Spotlight still isn't where it belongs: on the CIA and DNC.
Oh, thanks.
I wasn't calling you a faggot, I was pointing out possible warped counterarguments by them
Pam is a spirit cooker
Q reads your thoughts
not Rob.