"Mr. President…there are 250,000 angry protesters on the streets of London protesting your visit right now.
"Really?….(long belch)…wonder if I can still get in a quick nine at Turnberry?"
"Mr. President…there are 250,000 angry protesters on the streets of London protesting your visit right now.
"Really?….(long belch)…wonder if I can still get in a quick nine at Turnberry?"
Week in summary…
1) Mueller stages bogus Seth Rich presser with phony batshit witness to discredit Seth Rich involvement in DNC leaks.
2) RR and Mueller report phony allegations of spearfished DNC server and Clinton emails against more non-existent Russian government agents.
3) Trump still prepares for successful meeting with Putin with peaceful solutions for Syria, and new trade deal with Russia.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat…
Mueller knows POTUS is on a U1 fact-finding mission with Putin.
That's why he made his lame pre-emptive move today.
250,000 protesters in London today proved one thing again today.
Protests of any kind have never affected any change in society or government throughout history.