Exactly. A) she’s just a lady. B) she’s not his queen. Our leader shouldn’t have to bow to their figure head.
To the Q is a LARP people, not only would this be the most ridiculously productive LARP of all time (successfully galvanizing millions to learn and dig into global evil and redpill others) it would also be the most successful in terms of belief, scope, longevity, reach, impact, and magnitude.
It almost doesn’t matter at this point. But even so, it’s getting to the point where it’s harder to suspend disbelief to imagine it’s a few randos keeping this up and getting lucky with consistent coincidences for 9 months than it is to suppose someone in MI or the Trump admin has an online campaign for their message.
Ask yourself, “is this normal?”
Trump is none for listening to the advice of MSM! Good luck, guys!
What I wouldn’t give to hear the private conversation between POTUS and the queen.
What posts do you suspect?