and the last reason you'll never catch me is it was all a joke and you fell for it
some of you literally.
and the last reason you'll never catch me is it was all a joke and you fell for it
some of you literally.
its too good and you love it.
what about the ice walls??
he's untouchable.
the shooter was literally testing Q he was a one of us and mad he couldn't fly or something I don't remember the exact complaint but I was like yeah you'll miss he missed got shot down I feel bad for him but I am subliminal messaging incarnate and people generally without too much trouble can follow any script if it is well presented.
presentation is everything.
But next time you're putting your hand up for target practice.
But in your fairness I my Feminazi thing was working so well you gotta figure out a way to get my face I know and I need his attention so thanks it worked.
What's his request?