Anonymous ID: 4c7771 Aug. 20, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.21449211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9269 >>9271 >>9623 >>9728


Ashley Biden just opened Pandora’s Box at the DNC convention with three words…

August 20, 2024 (4 hours ago)


Ashley Biden, Jill and Joe Biden’s daughter, opened a huge Pandora’s Box at the DNC when she introduced her father to the crowd. It’s no secret that Ashley and Joe have a questionable relationship, thanks to her diary, that she accidentally left in a halfway house after she went through therapy for a laundry list of issues and addictions—a sad but typical problem with the Biden children.


So, you can imagine everyone’s shock when Ashley stood at the DNC podium and introduced her father as the “OG girl dad.” How do you go from inappropriate showers to “girl dad spirit”? It’s a leap that’s just too far for any normal person to make.


Those comments opened a can of worms, and the internet was instantly flooded with reminders of Ashley’s dark and disturbing diary entry.


Below is the entry from Ashley Biden’s official diary, where she claims she and her father took “inappropriate showers” together and wonders if she was molested. And for anyone still claiming the diary isn’t real, even the left-wing dopes at Snopes admit it’s genuine.


Ashley herself also confirmed the diary is hers.After reading her diary entry below, Ashley’s remarks about Joe’s “girl dad spirit” have us thinking that kind of “spirit” should be a felony in all 50 states.


After Ashley’s bizarre comments, the memes and comments started flowing like water—pun fully intended. Here’s what folks online are saying about Ashley’s introduction:

• “I was half expecting talk of an inappropriate shower.”

• “Girl dad’s don’t shower with their daughters”

• “Um, no, he should be in prison for what he did to you”

• “OG girl dads don’t take showers with their prepubescent daughters…”

• “Wow. Democrats make Scientology look like an amateur cult.”

• “It’s sad how much people will lie.”

• “Stockholm shower syndrome.”

• “When she said “when I was 8, my father…” I held my breath.”

• “O.G…. Is that a type of shower spigot?”

• “They lie with such ease. It’s not even a challenge for them. Truth is invisible to them.”

• “I was thinking she should quote pages from her diary”

• “Cannot believe she would show her face here. Can’t believe any of the Bidens would show their faces, come to think of it.”


Sadly, what happened to Ashley isn’t a joke, and it’s shameful that she’s not using her platform to speak out about the abuse and educate others.Instead, she, like the entire regime media, is pretending Joe Biden was some “super dad.” The truth is, Joe Biden is a terrible father.He raised two children with severe addiction issues and sexual deviance—hardly something to be proud of or celebrate.


Meanwhile, President Trump has raised his children to be respectable members of society and job creators, yet the media paints him as a monster. But Trump’s beautiful, graceful, and classy granddaughter, Kai, tells a different story.


Once again, everything we see from Biden and the entire Democratic Party is just a smoke-and-mirrors act—so outdated and archaic that no one’s falling for it anymore.


(From the Independent: President Joe Biden greets First Daughter Ashley Biden as he takes the stage. Ashley Biden delivered a speechsaying her father was the original ‘girl dad’as he delivered his speech saying he would not seek re-election)

Anonymous ID: 4c7771 Aug. 20, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.21449271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9302


Jill Biden tells DNC she fell in love with Joe all over again after he stepped aside from 2024 race.

First lady says Joe Biden dug ‘deep into his soul’ when he chose not to run again in 2024. (He doesn’t have a soul, so it must have not been that hard)


President Joe Biden officially passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday night, after apair of glowing and emotional speeches about who he is as a family man from two people who know him best: his wife and daughter.


Ashley Biden and first lady Dr Jill Biden spoke just before the 46th president in Chicago took to the stage, telling the crowd how he led their family through dark times — the same way, they said, he had led the Democratic party and the nation through its own dark times.


The first lady, in particular, pointed to her husband’s decision to step down from the 2024 race as a moment when she fell in love with him all over again.


“Joe and I have been together for almost 50 years, and still, there are moments when I fall in love with him all over again,” the first lady said, recounting how she “saw him dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek reelection, and endorse Kamala Harris with faith and conviction.”


Ashley Biden, the president’s youngest child, recalled her father’s support for her as an independent woman growing up, calling him the “OG girl dad.” “Joe Biden is the OG girl dad,” she said. “He told me I could be anything, and I could do anything.”


Together,the two women depicted the president as a relentless champion of womenwho, in the end, had made the decision to step aside to enable his female vice president to rise to the top of the ticket.


“He wasn't just a girl dad. I could see that he valued and trusted women,” Ashley Biden said, with strong emphasis on the final word.


“How he listened to his mother. How he believed in his sister. And, most of all, how he respected my mother’s career.”


The pair’s comments about respecting women could not have been more timely for Democrats – with abortion access and women’s rights over their own bodies a major issue on the ballot this November.


Harris, as the first Black woman to be chosen as nominee of a major political party, has opted to focus more on her opponents and their alleged views of women rather than on her own status as a history-making candidate for office. The approach contrasts to some extent with the rhetoric from some of her biggest boosters onstage Monday evening, including women such as the Bidens and Hillary Clinton, the party’s 2016 nominee. Clinton herself was the first woman to win a party’s nominating contest that year.


The first lady was met onstage by a wave of green signs around the convention center bearing her name. Her remarks, along with her daughter’s, served to refocus the night on the incumbent president — whose own timeslot was relegated late into the night, thanks to a combination of convention delays and protests outside which delayed entry for some delegates and media.


(It’s final, the entire family is evilAshley might be drinking again.)

Anonymous ID: 4c7771 Aug. 20, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.21449389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9399 >>9462 >>9476 >>9537 >>9623 >>9728

High-ranking Dem goes on live TV and wishes JD Vance’s wife and young daughter get raped…

August 20, 2024 (3 hours ago)


UPDATE BELOW: Gov. Beshear doubles down…

What were the good people of Kentucky thinking when they elected Democrat Andy Beshear as their governor? After his recent comments about JD Vance’s family, they’ll hopefully be asking themselves that very question and reconsider electing progressive creeps like him into office.In a recent interview from the DNC Convention floor, Governor Beshear stooped to the lowest point of his career—maybe even his entire life—when he wished that JD Vance’s wife and/or daughter would get raped and end up pregnant.


Yes, you heard that right.


As if this disgusting comment wasn’t horrific enough on its own, the thought becomes even more repulsive when you consider that JD’s little girl, Mirabel, is only a toddler. JD’s wife is 39-year-old Usha Chilukuri Vance, a devoted mother of three beautiful children.


Yet, even so, Governor Andy Beshear is hoping little Mirabel and her mother get raped and end up pregnant, just so JD Vance will learn a lesson and be forced to “go through it.” It’s almost unimaginable that a man in such a position of power would say something so utterly twisted and demented, yet here we are. It’s painfully clear that Andy Beshear is just another typical left-wing ghoul. At this point, how much more demented can these sick freaks get? And the kicker in all this madness? We’re the ones who are labeled as “sick” and “weird.”


Doug Mackey, a young man who knows firsthand what it’s like to be screwed over by the US regime—after being convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme—was outraged by the disgusting and violent words Governor Beshear directed at JD Vance’s family, and he aptly used the words “sick freak” to describe Governor Beshear.


Senator Vance himself was outraged. Those are fighting words by the sick governor of Kentucky, after all.

The Trump campaign also reacted.


The truly twisted part of Governor Beshear’s comments is that they are entirely baseless. There is no national ban on abortion—President Trump has made it clear that states will decide. Yet, despite this, Governor Beshear wants JD Vance’s family to be raped so he can “see how it feels.” It’s unthinkable and deeply disturbing that the good people of Kentucky should demand his immediate resignation. A man who wishes such vile, illegal trauma on a child and a mother has no business holding any position of power. Governor Beshear is a disgrace and has no place in public office. Furthermore, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz should be asked directly if they agree with what Governor Beshear said, and if not, they must disavow both his comments and him.











12:28 PM · AUG 20, 2024


(Anons I have no doubt that they intend to kill anyone that disagrees with them, evil has taken over completely)

Anonymous ID: 4c7771 Aug. 20, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21449586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597 >>9623 >>9728

Kamala pledges to pass the most radical and dangerous bill that will transform the US into a dystopian hellscape…

August 20, 2024 (4 hours ago)1/2


Political platforms don’t always grab headlines—they’re usually boring and dry. But the Democratic platform unveiled at the DNC convention is a different story. It’s so dangerous and radically extreme that everyone is talking about it. At the heart of this radical agenda is the US Citizenship Act, the most extreme and absurd amnesty bill ever written. It’s a blatant “population replacement” bill, designed to flood our country with foreigners who will vote Democrat, effectively drowning out legitimate American citizens. If this act passes, it would be a bullet train to the destruction of our nation.


The Harris/Walz duo is the most radical to ever slither onto the US political scene, and we’ve been covering their every move. Even the moves nobody else is talking about.



It’s no secret that the Harris/Walz campaign is the most extreme we’ve ever seen in US history. These two radical political puppets are among the most dangerous to ever crawl out of the swamp. With their lawless agenda—ranging from open borders and trans madness to their pro-riot stance—if these Marxist maniacs get anywhere near the White House, this country will be transformed beyond recognition. And nobody knows this better than President Trump, who recently posted this doozy on X:


However, one recent development—which should be causing a sh*t storm—is barely making a ripple.

Doug Mackey, the young man railroaded by the Biden regime and convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme,has taken notice of Kamala’s latest move, and he shared a powerful post on X.


So, what does Kamala have up her sleeve? Well, she’s planning to create Soviet-style apartments for illegals, with a staggering three million new homes for these “newcomers” during her first term (God forbid). Talk about America last, right?


We encourage you to read the entire eye-opening piece here:


Kamala just went full commie, and for some reason, nobody’s talking about it…

The Dems’ plan is obvious: replace Americans with illegals to secure their grip on power. This is nothing short of horrific. These people are communist lunatics, and Kamala Harris at the helm would spell the end of everything we hold dear.One of the most outrageous parts of their plan is how they claim to have “reduced” illegal immigration simply by legalizing those who would have crossed the border illegally.


For Americans, the result is the same—our country is being turned into a catch-all for the entire world.However, truth be told, this is what they’ve been planning all along because they know they can’t win without cheating. They’re doing to the US what’s already happening in Europe and the UK, but they’re doing it through radical left-wing legislation. Open borders aren’t enough for them; they want to permanently alter the fabric of our nation. For those of us who’ve been paying attention, this is no surprise. We saw it coming, and now it’s here.


Rob Law:

Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse. Read on for the horrifying details…


#1 doc


Amnesty for all illegal aliens who have invaded our country, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer funded welfare & unlawfully voted in US elections….

Anonymous ID: 4c7771 Aug. 20, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.21449597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612 >>9623 >>9728




#2 doc


Waivers to amnesty convicted illegal alien criminals, vile human traffickers, & other public safety threats. Waivers for nearly all grounds of inadmissibility.


#3 doc


If that’s not bad enough, it immediately issues SSN to all illegal aliens. There will be no vetting & this gets them drivers licenses & voter registration.


#4 doc


And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.


#5 doc


And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.


#6 doc


What we’re witnessing right now is nothing short of treason. Only a dictator would want to replace disillusioned and frustrated Americans with illegals just to buy their votes.


The Democrats don’t care who these people are—they just need their votes to stay in power and achieve their goal of transforming the United States into a green/DEI utopia. And if this radical duo wins, that’s exactly what they’ll do. It’s no exaggeration to say that if Harris and Walz get anywhere near the White House, their platform will crush the United States and turn it into a hellscape that makes the Biden/Harris years look like a cakewalk.