Search white replacement theory. It works like socialism, only until you run out of whites.
As the son of a man who spent 15 mos in the jungle close to the trail, thank you Anon. Red Castle.
Mark my words last bread. This picture is exactly why NCSWIC.
This too, was not uncontrolled, or unforeseen. Crooks was dead before the ear shot.
I hope the records of who pays who to post what become public record, for the future generations to ridicule.
If he hasn't learned to by now, I can't help him.
I would not exist save a wac and an army man meeting in Germany. The stories aren't all bad. You are here to serve a purpose. And the rest of us appreciate it.
I wish, although I don't know all relatives in all directions. Most of my ancestors were a little more recent. German, Irish, French, slovak-ish, I'm kind of a mutt. But we all want to see things recover. For our kids. May we all be able to contact freely when this war is over.
Trips tell your truth. Words display honesty. It's the true beauty of the nation. I don't give a damn if your ancestry is similar, so long as we build a future worth having. Ancestry is just a inherited hobby. Fight fight fight.
Cranberry sauce.