Why the hell is another “Trump” pushing crypto?
Now everyone believes crypto is the currency of the revolution
Yeah, I don’t think so clowns
Ya better invest in food and blankets, cuz Commie Donnie gonna stare you out
Why the hell is another “Trump” pushing crypto?
Now everyone believes crypto is the currency of the revolution
Yeah, I don’t think so clowns
Ya better invest in food and blankets, cuz Commie Donnie gonna stare you out
If you don’t believe in Heaven
You have no soul
Jewish proverb
Oh no
Petrodollar dropping like a rock, what will the Jews do
Oh yeah, print moar petrodollar ……genius
Bronfman ….yes it’s Jewish…..bids 4.3 billion for failing studios
Good sign to see Jewish mob is consolidating assets of their failing communist institutions
Yes, the false peace prediction of Revelations
How can you have peace when every major religion in the world believes “they” should rule over everyone?
Whew…..Fed printing money and dumping it in the stonks
What could go wrong?