Boyle's synopsis of everyone's speechesare hilarious, go an read the rest:
UPDATE 11:39 p.m. ET: Obama has wrapped his address, and interestingly both him and his wife ended their speeches–which they reportedly wrote together–offering very specific campaign tactical advice.
UPDATE 11:32 p.m. ET:It’s kind of amazing how Obama can spend 30 minutes viciously demonizing his political opponents then end a speech trying to say it’s okay to disagree with people. It’s a common tactic he regularly used when he was more frequently on the political stage.
UPDATE 11:25 p.m. ET:Barack Obama is back on attacking Donald Trump, proving yet again how obsessed Obama is with Trump. He’s like compulsive about it. Unhealthily obsessed with Trump. Nobody in Obama’s entire political life has ever rattled him as much as Trump. He’s shaken by Trump–and Obama is showing it again tonight.
UPDATE 11:15 p.m. ET:Obama is still several minutes later openly and nastily attacking Trump, a sign that Trump is way inside this guy’s head. Obama has offered no vision for the country other __than rhetorical oratory pushing Harris–but no policy solutions. This is a fascinating line of attack from Obama that despite all the media bluster–in part because they have not seen Obama in a long time–that will undoubtedly come will probably be ineffective in actually helping Harris.
UPDATE 11:12 p.m. ET: That was fast.Barack Obama has devolved this speech into a negative nasty rant against Donald Trump, making several personal attacks at him from the convention stage.
UPDATE 11:10 p.m. ET:Obama is speaking kindly about his former vice president, the current president, Joe Biden, but in so doing twisting the knifein saying at the end of that section of his speech“the torch has been passed.” Then Obama says the race will be “tight,” and he’s warning gathered Democrats that they need to prove they are going to fight for the regular people.He then takes several shots at Donald Trump.
UPDATE 11:05 p.m. ET: “I am feeling hopeful because this convention has always been good to kids with funny names who believe anything is possible,” Barack Obama says of Kamala Harris.
UPDATE 11:04 p.m. ET: Barack Obama is on stage now, receiving a very warm applause from Democrats gathered in the state that first sent him to the U.S. Senate before he was elected president.
UPDATE 11:03 p.m. ET: Michelle Obama says the election will be “close” and will be decided by just “a handful of states.”She wraps her speech by saying she wants to go “higher,” even though she viciously attacked Trump. (Her motto in 2016"When he goes low, we go high"didn't work again)
UPDATE 11:00 p.m. ET: Michelle Obama leads the crowd in chants of “do something” when she says people see “a bad poll–and we will” or whenever anything is going on. “Don’t complain if no one from the campaign has reached out to you specifically for your support–(More mindless chants like "Hope and Change")
UPDATE 10:58 p.m. ET: Michelle Obama says “there is no other choice than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.” But now she is warning that while energy is high for Harris and Walz now, “there are so many people desperate for a different outcome”
UPDATE 10:53 p.m. ET:Michelle Obama is now outright attacking Trump claiming he tried for years to make people “fear” her and her husband because they are black. She plays the race card arguing the job he is seeking–the presidency–“is one of those black jobs.”.
UPDATE 10:50 p.m. ET: Looks like the DNC failed logistically yet again, as it’s almost 11 p.m. on the east coast the Democrats have yet to produce the keynote speaker Barack Obama.That means just like last night when they pushed current President Joe Biden past primetime, they have now pushed their star speaker former President Obama past primetime as well.
UPDATE 10:47 p.m. ET: You could hear a pin drop as Michelle Obama is hyping Kamala Harris–the audience is way more into Michelle than they are into Kamala, quite clearly.
UPDATE 10:43 p.m. ET: Michelle Obama says “the contagious power of hope” is in the air in Chicago at the DNC. “America, hope is making a comeback,” she says. (Wait Bidan and Kamabra were there for 3-1/2 years, why is "hope making a comeback"?)