Screen cap of views from yesterday when this anon watched shows: 371,408 views
Same yt link today shows3,434,890>>21451372 (pb)
~3.1 Mil increase
Screen cap of views from yesterday when this anon watched shows: 371,408 views
Same yt link today shows3,434,890>>21451372 (pb)
~3.1 Mil increase
Compare and contrast to video views from 3 weeks
~3x the views in one day. That is YUGE
Had never even heard of Theo before this interview.
>They are outnumbered 4 to 1 or worse
Just imagine all the data that could be gathered to expose if they are using bots to vote.
It's great he is force feeding DJT posts to his lefty followers
They are busy securing the mean tweet criminals
Hmm this part is a decent meme