To Keep America Great, We The People must ensure that our country remains on the course envisioned by the founding fathers.
Melania High-Fives Veteran — Steals The UK’s Heart
Until POTUS mentions Bannon in a positive manner, I will deem him as past tense and irrelevant
He was suspected of leaking to the Cernovich et al crew and splitting the MAGA movement
MAGA is about POTUS' agenda not Bannons
Old news
The balloon was an epic failure
And despite social media trying to state otherwise, the protests were relatively small and insignificant
WAPO and CNN going after Fox's John Roberts because POTUS didn't take Acostas question
It's all about them
them them them
Acting like two year olds having tantrums
Keep telling yourself that shill
Bannon is irrelevant
You might as well start discussing Mooch
I notice a pattern here
Say Bannon is irrelevant and I am called names
So obviously clownlike bx and shilly