Typical distraction, derailing. They are weak and are just flailing around at this point.
(((AFLB))) and JIDF cunts need to get a room.
Typical distraction, derailing. They are weak and are just flailing around at this point.
(((AFLB))) and JIDF cunts need to get a room.
NK servers. Rea-read Q crumbs.
The 4-6% don't care what the truth is. Those are the ones that need to be suppressed.
No room for compromise.
They are criminal useful idiots and must be neutralized one by one, through all possible means.
By neutralizing them, we prevent crimes, civil war, racially motivated attacks by foreigners (think muzzies, ms-13 and foreign racial gangs).
All must be removed and annihilated to the roots.
Initial Q drop may indicate that it is either 4-6% of the antifa/muh racist types specifically, or the general US population in its entirety. Second meaning is what most anons took it as.
JFK realized the lies and tried to create a revised version?
JFK realized the true nature of ADL when most if not almost all were blind to it.
More they get cornered, more twisted and delusional their pawn world view becomes.
We can kill/neutralize them at any time.
PS is just a low level pawn in the ultimate pyramid.
You really think russia and china are not working together with us?
>joint operations underway.
It's not about flags on that level.
Good vs. evil.
white hats vs black hats.
every nation.
pawns are borderless.
Do not listen to the alarmist/superficial msm or 'alternative media' in regards to china and russia.
Both of those nations have their own possibly even worse black hats to contend with.
Read their history.
that is called racial invasion.
It is a nation and people's duty to expel, kill/neutralize, and ultimately uproot such elements in this world. Not only domestically, but foreign.
muzzies/pakistan and israel being prime examples.
How does it feel to being reduced to one IP hop posting on 8ch image board while Q team is killing off your people on daily basis?
You have no friends in the world.
We are coming.
'diversity' is an old trick that had many different names throughout history.
Old, but VERY effective.
It is about destroying and weakening a geographically concentrated 'bloodline' aka race/tribe/ethnic group.
That is what we are all fighting against.
So that we remain free and be able to pursue our own sovereign destinies.
cabal prevents unity by making the situation neigh impossible to unite.
Which we will prevail over.
Being able to say fuck off to jewish/cabal pawn brainwashing is one of the reasons why /pol/ is beloved by fed govt employees.
It is also one of the reasons why it was selected for Q drops.
Massive Blasts Kill 128 Ahead Of Pakistan Elections; Ousted PM Arrested At Airport
"The deadliest terror attack in over a year has rocked Pakistan as bombs went off at two campaign rallies in different cities. The massive death toll climbed by the hour throughout Friday after a suicide bomber struck a convoy headed to an election-related event in Mastung near the southwestern city of Quetta, the capital of Balochistan Province.
Pakistani authorities said 128 were killed and over 150 wounded in a suicide attack reportedly claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS)."
Does the 'thought' of satan exist?
lucifier = bringer of light.
aka false god.
aka usurper.