5 racists sexist agendas in teh grump movie #shrimpies #tacit
lemminwinks vs wikipedia, talk
what if the necrosadistic zebra was also the narcosadistic unicorn and all it could do was troll the cia with allegory
never forget the memefags
never forget the memefags
@daviejones what is cargo cult
everybody hears about graphene but it chnages their pay system soooooooooo much it is only fondeled on youtube
russia has terrestrially growing radiotrophic mycoproteins , i bet there is a great idea there
wax on wax off homotus
did ya know some french judas fehgel burned all the templars alive on this day in the 1307
should of sent cash
that french faggot burned them alive you know, there is a lot legends about the ending and how the curse would play out, #waxonwaxoff
if you are getting paid to change someones mind , you might be coveting ass, check local laws
y when aflb is insulted it turns into shit stain nasi agin
german engineered time traveling shrimpies #symbolismology #prawn #idk
a good squirell forages
a great squirrel stockpiles
so many forgotten walnuts eh
is that a marmot in the bath tub mate
rage pr0n is shadenfreude in context of the orator, is spectacle or is it hogwash
why is a pike in the back of the head suh an important theme in the matrix trilogoy
{ }hild predators
{ }ngesting
{ }mericans
u have to misled the devil to it's own decisive