Anonymous ID: 21da86 Aug. 21, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.21455158   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5165 >>5168 >>5210

Anons want to hear something odd?

Hurt my neck real bad recently,

5 days and no relief.

Been looking into spiritual things and learning about reincarnation etc.

Learning that we have Free Will and do not get help unless we ask or else it violates our free will.

I thought what the heck I tried everything else let me get spiritual.

I learned that each of us incarnated with a team.

The team in invisible to you but have helped you all your lives keep you on mission and keep you learning your lessons that you were sent here to learn.

I thought, if I have a team with me, be it angels, guides , whatever and this is real then one of them has to be a healer type.


I payed in bed and put my heart energy into it and asked my "healer" with my free will consent to heal my neck.


I woke up healed

Swear to God

Anonymous ID: 21da86 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.21455654   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

This world is at war. This war is a spiritual war.


Good vs Evil. Not good vs bad.


This is God vs Satan. Angel vs Demon. IQ vs AI. Love vs Fear.


Do not submit to Fear but do not close your eyes when ugliness appears. HOLD THE LIGHT.


None will fight this war for you. No ET is allowed interfere other than those in human bodies amongst yourselves. This is the universe of free will. We are not allowed to interfere with your free will. You are in charge of your future.


Yes, the Galactic Federation is guiding and assisting you but THIS IS YOUR PLANET, YOUR FIGHT!








We also want to inform you that this fight is already won by the light and all this that is happening is the playing out of timelines. HOW FAST things are going to change for you is entirely in your hands now.


Nobody said you were going to sit in meditation and by doing this alone you will alter a System of frequency from control to freedom.


Again, there are those whose assignment is only thatโ€ฆ but those are not the majority on your planet.


Ascension works step by step.


First comes light.


Light (truth) facilitates a heart-opening process that will lead to unconditional love.


Sometimes this process takes yearsโ€ฆ You are not there yet. You cannot jump the gun. FIRST COMES LIGHT.


Your task is to bring light back into this realm.


We love you, great warriors of light. Keep spreading the truth.




Share the information in form of videos and texts with everyone you know and plant the seed in their consciousness. That's all.


And do not trust those who tell you not to OR THOSE WHO SAY NOTHING IS HAPPENING BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. These are the agents of the dark side we're at war against.


Watch out. Use discernment. Be alarmed when you read posts like that.


If you want to change this world, you have to first know what exactly was wrong with itโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 21da86 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.21455667   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

As you continue to understand that everything is indeed the bigger picture, more and more of you, more and more of the collective you, are beginning to understand that.


That this is the larger picture. This is the part of the larger plan here, and everything is indeed happening for a reason. So even as you look out and see those many things that are occurring, many things that are occurring within the 3-D matrix, the matrix of illusion, knowing full well that this is an illusion.


It is a movie. It is a show that is being played out in front of you. And for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know exactly that. You know it is part of the plan, and just an illusion for you to watch over, become aware of, but not become a part of.


Because you are not a part of this. You are far beyond this illusion.


There are those, of course, that are attempting to hold on, hold you back. But they know they cannot hold you back any longer. So they only reach out to those that are yet unawakened, trying to hold them to their cause, trying to hold them within their control. But they know they cannot do that much longer either.


Have they given up? No. They have not fully given up, for they will certainly not give up until the last one stands. But that is not for you to be concerned about. All that you need to be concerned about is moving ahead, moving on. And letting go of all of those past illusionary understandings: those fears, those hatreds, those jealousies, all of those things that have held you to the illusion, held you to the 3-D matrix up until this point, but no longer.


And not only is it no longer for you, it is no longer for us as well. Because we are seeing what you might call 'the writing on the wall' here, that there are many out there that will not awaken. They will not awaken unless they are jarred free. Jarred free, jarred into their freedom.


And they will not go into their freedom until they fully realize that they have not been free. They do not understand that as you understand that. You understand what freedom is all about. But many out there do not understand that. They think they are free, but they realize deep down that they are not, and there is nothing, they think, that they can do about it. But indeed they can, and indeed you can, and indeed we can.


So understand that as things continue to move along, there are going to be those times when we are going to step in more and more. When I say 'we,' I am speaking of all of the Forces of Light: the Alliance, those of the Galactic forces, all are coming together in this and are ready to step forward.


You have been hearing this from those of the Galactic ones that have been speaking with you. They have been saying that they are ready to jump at the slightest cause where they can begin to intervene more. And those times are coming where this can indeed happen.


Will it happen? I cannot say for certain here in terms of what the time frame is. But I can tell you that they are prepared. I can tell you that we, as the Ascended Ones, are prepared. I can tell you that all of the Forces of the Alliance are prepared, those of your White Hats, are prepared. They know what is coming, and they have been planning for this for some time now. Even back to the early ancient times, to Atlantis and Lemuria, it goes way back then.


And from then it goes back even further, to lifetimes and Systems and galaxies and planets before this, where those of you, those System-busters that you are and continue to be, you have come from there, and you are here now once again. And we are all working on this together.


So when we are ready to be able to step forward, and that time is coming more and more here when we can indeed step in and assist you more. Because you are asking for it. Those of you, the Forces of Light, and all of you that are the lightworking Light-Warriors, the System-busters, have been asking for us to step forward more and more. And the more you ask, the more we can do it.


And the more we see that those across the planet are not awakening in time here, then we can begin to intervene more as well. Because they cannot do it for themselves. Once again, they need something to jar them free.


And that is what this is all about: freedom. And the rebirth of your Republic. The Republic, not only of The United States for America all coming together. But for all of the countries across the planet.


All of the people across the planet coming together once again as it was meant to be, and as it shall be, as more and more do awaken. Whether they awaken on their own as you have, or whether they need something more special to awaken them, that time is coming.


Gods Ground Crew

Anonymous ID: 21da86 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.21455707   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

You are System busters


And what makes you System busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those System busters to bust yet another System wide open, as you have done Many times before, in Many different Systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular System.


This System that is no longer functioning, no longer working for the benefit of collective consciousness of man. It cannot. It has fulfilled its purpose, this illusion. This third-dimensional illusion, that you are still finding yourself in at times, has fulfilled its purpose. It is no longer needed.


You must come to understand and realize that, that you are both a part of this illusion, and not a part of this illusion. You are a part of it as much as you want to be. But you also can be separate from it as much as you want to be as well. For it does not hold you unless you let it hold you to it.


Now you all know that you have been lied to for eons of time here within this illusion. But deep down within you, you all knew the deeper truths, and that one day these truths would be revealed, as they are now being revealed. Because those within the shadows can no longer be within the shadows. They are bringing the truth forward, even though they don't want to do that. But they are finding they must bring forth the truth. And they are doing it in very much ridiculous ways, just enough for those that are yet unawakened to begin to awaken. To begin to awaken to what we call, and Many of you call, 'the nonsense' that is doing on. For it is indeed that. But know that it has a purpose. All of this.