Anonymous ID: 3092b9 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:07 p.m. No.21455531   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5535 >>5553 >>5624 >>5800


Note:dough below to rally notes


LIVE: President Trump in Asheboro, NC


djt youtube channel


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance will deliver remarks on National Security in Asheboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET


POTUS takes the stage 2:13pm ET

POTUS starts speaking 2:15pm ET

>>21454960 POTUS behind protective glass

DJT: the government padded the numbers with 818,000 jobs that don't exist

DJT: "comrade kamala"

President Trump: I want to address the massive scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning…it's a total lie. There's never been a revision like this. They wanted it to come out after the election, but somehow it got leaked…the Harris/Biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America. The new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra, listen to this one, eight hundred and eighteen thousand jobs that don't exist…the real numbers are worse than that.

President Trump: Under my leadership, we were getting out of Afghanistan, but we were going to get out with dignity, pride, and with strength. When I left office, we had not lost a single servicemember in the combat in Afghanistan in more than eighteen months.

President Trump: Under my leadership, we were getting out of Afghanistan, but we were going to get out with dignity, pride, and with strength. When I left office, we had not lost a single servicemember in the combat in Afghanistan in more than eighteen months.

President Trump: If we win, I'll get that thing settled before I take the office. I'll get it settled as president-elect. I'll get that war stopped…Ukraine and Russia; we're gonna get it stopped, and quickly. It'll be done before I get to office.

President Trump: The United States has been foeced to abandon more embassies under Comrade Kamala than at any time in our history. We're running out; it's not like we're leaving, we're being run out of these embassies that cost us hundreds of millions of dollars to build.

President Trump: Starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the Oath of Office, I will move to restore America to maximum strength, and return the world to peace. We're going to return the world to peace. And mostly, I can do it with a telephone call.

President Trump: America's blessed with the greatest military in the world, but our men and women in uniform have been betrayed by radical-left politicians, and some generals; at the top, they're woke. They're woke. We don't want woke generals. We want generals that know how to win, and we have them. We proved that when we wiped out ISIS….we have the greatest military in the world, but you need the great leaders, otherwise your military can never be great.

President Trump: I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster. I want their resignations immediately. And I want them on the desk in the Oval Office, the Resolute Desk, I want them on at twelve o'clock, Inauguration Day…this housecleaning will be a signal to the entire world, and the American military, and everybody else; we want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence.

DJT: i will demand the resignation of every military leader who had their hands on the afghanistan withdraw, this will happen on day 1


Anonymous ID: 3092b9 Aug. 21, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21455535   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5542 >>5624 >>5800


President Trump: Under Comrade Kamala Harris; and I call her that because there's never been; shes a marxist, okay? I was saying, 'Do you think she's a marxist, or a communist', to people that really study this stuff. They weren't able to tell me. They said it could be all the way. It could be communist, but she's damn close. They said it was definitely one or the other, but they couldn't' actually tell me…is it communist or marxist? ;Sir, it's one or the other, we;re not sure. We'll figure it out.' Under Comrade Kamala, the our military has been abused for radical social experiments. On Day One, I will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell of our US Armed Forces. We're taking it out.

TRUMP- Upon returning to the WH, I will make a Historic investment in rebuilding the US Armed Forces

President Trump: If you want to have a sex change, or a social justice seminar, then you can do it somewhere else, but you're not going to do it in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Space Force, or the United States Marines. You're not going to do it there. The military brass that led these absurd and insulting initiatives will likewise be removed, and they will no longer be in command. They're going to be gone. Gone so fast.

President Trump: Thanks to Comrade Kamala and Joe Biden, morale in our military is now so low, that almost every single branch is suffering a major recruitment and retention crisis. Upon taking office, I will begin the largest peacetime recruitment drive in the history of the Armed Forces…the sense of spirit, pride, and prestige will soon come roaring back and reach levels never seen before.

POTUS walked from behind the bullet proof glass to hug one of the attendees. Anon suspects the glass is there for good optics for the Secret Service more than anything.

Trump refused to take the. Skanky obama’s bait. He brushed them off like they were little gnats

President Trump: It's time to create the arsenal of the twenty-first century. We need that. That means aggressively shifting funding to keep America on the cutting edge, investing heavily in drones and robotics, and artificial intelligence, and hypersonics…that was our technology [hypersonics] that was stolen by Russia. And Russia has them….somebody gave Russia, years ago before me, all of our plans and specs for hypersonic missiles, and they built them, and we didn't.

Person in crowd: Bill Clinton!

President Trump: He said Bill Clinton. It could be. In all fairness, it might have been a little bit after Bill Clinton…it could have been Barack Hussein Obama, perhaps we should ask him.

President Trump: Our primary focus is to not get out the vote, it is to make sure they don't cheat. Because we have all the votes you need. You can see it. Every house along the way has signs, Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump Vance!

President Trump: If Comrade Kamala wins this November, World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen. Everything she touches, she destroys.

DJT: knee pads met with putin, then 3 days later he attacked, she met with putin to tell him don't attack

President Trump: We are going to fight like hell to win this election. They are going to cheat like hell to win the election, because they have no bounds. They have no bounds.

President Trump: We're going to use tariffs to take advantage of our great strength, and to, frankly, hurt countries that are hurting us, and have been hurting us on trade for many, many years.

>>21455358 Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 DanScavino In the middle of delivering remarks here in Asheboro, North Carolina, President @realDonaldTrump sees a supporter in the front row who is in need of medical attention—he stops his speech…to go check on them…

Q+ finished speaking @ 3:23 p.m. ET

>>21455417 Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

PRESIDENT TRUMP: The VOTERS will hold Kamala and Joe accountable this November—and when I take office, I will ask for the resignations of every single senior official who touched the Afghanistan disaster. I want them on my desk at noon on Inauguration Day. - twat and mp4

end music play, ymca young man djt does a little fist pump dance

change of tune from hold on i'm coming

fist pumps, comms to anons.