Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:15 p.m. No.21455922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6264 >>6523

Four High Value Targets leading migrant smuggling ring arrested in Bulgaria


Since April of this year, 17 migrant smuggling incidents linked to this gang have been identified


On 19 August, Bulgarian law enforcement authorities arrested eight suspected members of a gang involved in smuggling migrants into Europe. Four of the suspects arrested during the action day had already been identified as High Value Targets who played a leading role in the criminal activities. The gang charged up to EUR 6 000 per person and smuggled more than 130 people from Turkey into Bulgaria and then on to other European destinations via the Western Balkan route.


A total of 15 locations were raided in the region of the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, with Europol experts as well as Romanian and Moldovan police officers deployed on the ground to support the Bulgarian authorities in their enforcement measures.


As a result of these searches, law enforcement authorities seized 13 mobile phones, a weapon and ammunition, and documents for vehicles related to migrant smuggling incidents in Bulgaria.


This action was carried out in the framework of a Europol-coordinated regional Operational Taskforce based in Sofia, which focuses on criminal networks smuggling migrants from Türkiye across Bulgaria towards Western Europe.


An international network dedicated to migrant smuggling

The smuggling activities resembled a complex enterprise involving leaders, organisers and facilitators of different nationalities.


The main leaders were Syrian and Jordanian nationals, who would coordinate the criminal activities with other smugglers located in Türkiye and along the Western Balkan route. Bulgarian nationals were responsible for the logistics, namely finding and purchasing cars used for the transportation of the migrants, and registering them under the names of other individuals in exchange for a small sum of money. The gang would also use Moldovan drivers recruited over the internet.


Since April of this year, 17 migrant smuggling incidents linked to this gang have been identified. One of the main ringleaders was already known to law enforcement, having been investigated in the past for migrant smuggling activities in Austria and Croatia.


From Türkiye to the Western Balkans using Moldovan drivers

The irregular migrants would cross the border between Türkiye and Bulgaria on foot, using the services of guides provided by the organisers in Türkiye. After having crossed the border, they would be met by Moldovan drivers who would transport them to the Bulgarian-Serbian or Bulgarian-Romanian border.


The drivers were provided with the cars and GPS coordinates and were sent during the night to pick up the migrants at agreed locations. The drivers would communicate with other members of the gang using mobile apps with disappearing messages. They would receive EUR 100 per person transported, averaging between EUR 700 and EUR 1 000 per journey.


The migrants paid around EUR 6 000 to be smuggled into Bosnia and Herzegovina, and more than EUR 4 000 to be transported to Serbia.


https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/four-high-value-targets-leading-migrant-smuggling-ring-arrested-in-bulgaria

Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:20 p.m. No.21455957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6181

Over 20 Defendants Sentenced to Prison in Multi-Million Dollar National COVID-19 Fraud Scheme

Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:27 p.m. No.21456002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In a dystopian article, a WEF think tank warns that citizens heading to the polls in November should be expecting "destabilizing events" including a "cyber pandemic - which is intentional," the emergence of a "new global extremist group," and fast-tracked climate change disasters including a sudden sea-level rise that will submerge an island nation.

Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.21456008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6015 >>6018 >>6264 >>6523

The banks that loaned Musk $13B to buy Twitter might be having regrets


As readers might recall, Elon Musk borrowed $13 billion from Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and five other major banks to help finance its $44 billion acquisition. According to the WSJ, the deal has since become the worst merger-finance deal for banks since the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:32 p.m. No.21456023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6178 >>6264 >>6406 >>6523

WHO & GAVI – A Banking Cartel of Disease Creation


WHO has declared MonkeyPox to be an Endemic with upwards of ‘5,000’ cases worldwide. The CDC is advising every homosexual to receive two vaccines to prevent the disease and its spread. The CDC website has several photographs of the disease so as to educate the populace of its appearance. One such photograph was found to actually be Prurigo Nodularis per a Google Lens image research. Another photograph was sourced to pediatric dermatologic infections and still another was a photo of folliculitis and another of a tick bite.


In other words the CDC is lying, WHO is lying, and there is no such disease as Mpox. It’s symptoms mirror the flu with a rash.


Setting the Stage. As we approach the election, roughly 75 days from now, various positioning is being calculated: Pandemic. WWIII. Civil War. Marshall Law. The table is set with each place setting awaiting the final days before the correct knife is chosen. The fact that Biden has not been impeached is relevant.


GAVI: The US government has supported Gavi financially since its inception in 1999. America is the second largest government funder with the Biden Regime pledging $1.16 billion 2020 to 2023. The UK is the largest investor. The organization tasked with raising funds for Gavi is the International Finance Facility For Immunizations (IFFIm).


IFFIm is Chaired by Ken Lay, Managing Director of an asset management firm in DC, Rock Creek Group. Lay is an attorney with no experience in medicine, vaccines, science, biology, or healthcare. Audit Committee for IFFIm – Helge Weiner-Trapness is Vice Chair of Global Banking, HSBC. His career spans Barclays, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Quintus Partners which he founded. Ingrid Von Weis joined the Board of Directors in 2021 and is VP for Finance and Risk Management at the Asian Development Bank. GAVI is run by the Banking Industry – not Healthcare.


Creating a fusion of Health-disease, the banking industry would appear to be in need of a booster vaccine and has decided Bird Flu and Mpox to be the going trends. However, given the funding since the CoVid mandate, revenues have decreased by 50%. Therefore ‘catch-up campaigns’ are being created across a slew of vaccines in order to boost profits while subjecting taxpayers to their Monetary Financial RESET.


The problem will be the mandate. How to create another mandate in order to reach full capacity funding. And whether to implement it before or after the election

Anonymous ID: 09c822 Aug. 21, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.21456148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6264 >>6362 >>6523

New York Man Arrested for Operating as an Illegal Agent of the Chinese Government in the United States