Anonother Brick In the Wall Edition
1Sa_1:17 Then EliH5941 answeredH6030 and said,H559 GoH1980 in peace:H7965 and the GodH430 of IsraelH3478 grantH5414 thee(H853) thy petitionH7596 thatH834 thou hast askedH7592 ofH4480 H5973 him.
1Sa_7:14 And the citiesH5892 whichH834 the PhilistinesH6430 had takenH3947 fromH4480 H854 IsraelH3478 were restoredH7725 to Israel,H3478 from EkronH4480 H6138 even untoH5704 Gath;H1661 and the coastsH1366 thereof did IsraelH3478 deliverH5337 out of the handsH4480 H3027 of the Philistines.H6430 And there wasH1961 peaceH7965 betweenH996 IsraelH3478 and the Amorites.H567
1Sa_10:8 And thou shalt go downH3381 beforeH6440 me to Gilgal;H1537 and, behold,H2009 IH595 will come downH3381 untoH413 thee, to offerH5927 burnt offerings,H5930 and to sacrificeH2076 sacrificesH2077 of peace offerings:H8002 sevenH7651 daysH3117 shalt thou tarry,H3176 tillH5704 I comeH935 toH413 thee, and shewH3045 thee(H853) whatH834 thou shalt do.H6213
1Sa_10:27 But the childrenH1121 of BelialH1100 said,H559 HowH4100 shall thisH2088 man saveH3467 us? And they despisedH959 him, and broughtH935 him noH3808 presents.H4503 But he held his peace.H2790
1Sa_11:15 And allH3605 the peopleH5971 wentH1980 to Gilgal;H1537 and thereH8033 they made Saul kingH4427 (H853) H7586 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 in Gilgal;H1537 and thereH8033 they sacrificedH2076 sacrificesH2077 of peace offeringsH8002 beforeH6440 the LORD;H3068 and thereH8033 SaulH7586 and allH3605 the menH376 of IsraelH3478 rejoicedH8055 greatly.H3966
1Sa_13:9 And SaulH7586 said,H559 Bring hitherH5066 a burnt offeringH5930 toH413 me, and peace offerings.H8002 And he offeredH5927 the burnt offering.H5930
1Sa_20:7 IfH518 he sayH559 thus,H3541 It is well;H2896 thy servantH5650 shall have peace:H7965 but ifH518 he be very wroth,H2734 H2734 then be sureH3045 thatH3588 evilH7451 is determinedH3615 byH4480 H5973 him.
peace sir