I remember this song.
Jews created Islam to Combat Christianity.
The whole idea that they hate each other is ruse.
They are working together towards the same goal: Destroy Christianity.
Why does God allow bad things to happen if He is capable of stopping them from happening?
Why does God allow Satan to exist and cause so much pain and misery?
I was asking the questions rhetorically in response to the anon who was wondering why litter girls were being slaughtered in order to wake up normies.
Free choice or Free Will is a Hollyweird perpetuated myth.
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.
Israel last
And then when you donate to the "charity" the store uses your donation as a tax right off.
Who decided that being racist is a bad thing?
or the Jews who taught them victimhood mentality
I know a Christian woman who went thru IVF and she felt guilty about the unused fertilized embryos. She felt that those embryos had a soul. I really hadn't thought about it until she mentioned it.
Jew vs Jew
get them to fight against each other
that is what the Jews have been doing to others.
Use their own tricks against them.
Butthead being forced to talk out of both sides of his mouth, contradicting himself.
He controls your finger tips and makes you type stupid shit.