–The Convention Nobody Gets to See
Many of the corporate-sponsored events, and even some that aren’t, are locked down to the press.–
by Luke Goldstein August 21, 2024
"The Democratic Party professes to be a big tent open to all, a line that’s been repeated throughout the convention speeches this week. That’s not so much the case for the events happening outside the convention hall, especially if you’re a member of the press and there’s any sort of corporate sponsorship involved.
Inside the United Center, press access is an issue reporters have been complaining about since the first night. That’s mainly about limits on floor time for interviews.
Last night, press members weren’t allowed on the floor for indefinite periods, particularly during the party’s DJ-infused celebratory roll call. If you received your pass (which only lasts an hour) at the periodicals table before they shut the doors, then you missed most of your time allotment before the floor opened back up. One side of the halls last night featured a “blue carpet” event where a procession of politicians stopped by for interviews. The only media figures actually allowed on the blue carpet appeared to be DNC content creators and a few big networks. "