Anonymous ID: 33efea Aug. 22, 2024, 8:55 a.m. No.21460543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21459708, >>21459760, >>21460280 BOOOOM - Why can’t they do DNA tests on Israel?


Because Rome destroyed Jerusalem and took the people as slaves.

The Roman Empire didn't fall, it failed to take control over every nation so they created the Vatican and Pope to instill their power over nations by god.

Their false god.

Then for more than 100 years they brutally tortured the real Jews in what they called the Inquisition period.

Followed by the Expulsion.

The real Jews were rounded up from every corner of Europe where they had been placed. Columbus brought them to Central and South America where Marco Polo had just previously explored and found it to be infested with cannibals.

The plan was to drop off the Jews to be killed by the Cannibals.

But they survived and settled a vast new land that is called USA today.

The real Jews are called Hispanic Americans today.

The real Jews came to America hundreds of years before the Mayflower brought the pilgrims.