Anonymous ID: 9b1b03 Aug. 22, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.21460482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0576



This sub-species is known as Skank-Sapiens. Commonly found in blue urban areas around the country but can also be found in smaller numbers in red areas where it has, under deceitful and deceptive means, embedded itself for evil purposes not yet revealed to the population of those areas.


This species of the sub-human form is dangerous and riddled with filth. The Skank-Sapien has a undying thirst for power and control over other lifeforms and will go to great lengths to aquire that power in any way possible. The Skank-Sapien is treacherous, manipulative and will lie, cheat and steal to get what it wants. Once it has embedded itself into any form of human gatherence ie……….government bodies, religious, cultural or business organization, it will work from within to undermine, suffocate and destroy any semblance of normality, morality and common sense leading to chaos, mayhem, unreliability and even death.


Conclusion: Avoid this sub species at all cost. Be aware that once exposed to the Skank Sapien only those who have a solid foundation of Right Minded Principles and common sense can withstand and directly oppose the unending onslaught of inanity, ill-logic, irrationality and foremost, evil, exuded by this species. In short, everything it touches, comes into contact with, turns to shit.