This means [you] ought to pipe up.
Let’s talk about sexual harassment
That way he’s always the smart person in the room
Dig on
MK Ultra
C_A FOIA documents pertaining to unclassified programs being used in the open
Spirit cooking/Electro Torture/Project Stargate
Nazi Sound Torture and Dachau
NCSWIC ->CISA -Election Interference
DARPA Geo Tracking
Operation Mockingbird
HAARP and UN Treaty Weather Warfare
Guardians of the Pope(C_A)
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Dig on some psychology using the DSM V you’ll find they’re using the tactics of Psychopaths/Narcissists/Sociopaths but and they’re paid to act brainwashed
Review Q deltas everyday and how they fall right into the trap and have panic attacks every time they realize that Q=Alice
Dig on Looking Glass
Also try to find out who the people are that are on this board doing all these things to anons because they fear us
Also psychological projection is huge for them.
Most of the shills here saying Panic are the ones Panicking.
Also, read the Bible. They have a hard time doing this as they can’t read. To focused on themselves.
Matthew 12:43–45
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.”
Most of the shills here are people labeling others as shills and attacking anons.
You’re clearly taking into a microphone, sexually harassing minors, talking about masturbation in front of minors, and projecting into a microphone all day. Encouraging things like suicide. I think you should pop another Xanax.
They’ll shout things like “Trump hates you” as if they know him personally or Trump spends any time worrying about me at all. They’ll pose as Patriots when Q told us they were traitors.
P-A-I-N is coming to you.
They’ll talk about Angelina Jolie being hot on a Research board. Spend countless hours a day being subversive and distracting newcomers from RESEARCHING.
They think they are tough but in actuality they’re all CAMPED IN. They can’t walk down the street. All they have left is to throw hissy fits like the children they are because alas they have been exposed for all to see. These people are sick. Evil has no boundaries.
And yes, it’s happening.
They have to spend countless amounts of time energy and money on stalking bribing extorting and blackmailing anons just to counter a narrative. There’s an old saying “Don’t shoot the messenger”.
It’s it they who are in a PANIC and are petty children. They are satanic pedophiles. They transcribe your inner dialogue out loud as if they’re invincible. And leave out all the stuff they loosh. They should and will be shot.
“They won’t stop” so they will be stopped.
The spooks on this board were given an option and they took the wrong one.
Premeditated murder and actual deaths have occurred because of these sick freaks.
It’s called [Fish]ing, spending countless amounts of money going after people they deem to be a “threat”. They are the threat and represent a clear and present danger to our Republic. It is them who we should thank in the long run, for being the useful idiots that they are.
How much $ has been spent on controlling the narrative? How money did yous pay this escort to act like she’s brainwashed?
They want total control of the narrative, total control of this board, and total control of your lives.
They openly mock you and call you sheep.
Pussy -Slave
Weirdo -Sheep
Awkward -inconvenient, a devil, a bastard
Of all defense mechanisms that CHILDREN use projection is at the top.
You are a child. Go home to mommy.
I suspect something BIG is about to drop.
BIG week ahead.
They thought you would follow the “stars”…
It’s day time.
Lucifer? Jeez I don’t know. Read the Kyballion, homo.
So dumb.
I’m saying they’re dumb.
I don’t post anything or watch anything DNC related or make any memes shitting on Dems. Memes/images should be informative.
Her name is “candy” she’s a cheap 2$ escort claiming to be a Patriot.
Will be locked up any minute now.