If you haven't noticed, the US Dollar is purposefully driven out of the #1 currency of choice. In other words, they're going to make your dollar worthless, steal your money and blame it on AI. They'll be the white knights though, don't worry. If you agree to their terms and conditions, they'll invent a new currency controlled by Evil, and you will have no choice but to accept.
We have driven the economy into the ground on purpose. YES WE DID. We did it, not the government, they made our dollar worthless by printing money, we made the dollar worthless by giving unskilled workers $18 bucks an hour in California. We made the dollar worthless by not saving. Spending more than what we earn killed it too.
It's been 7 long long years. I'd appreciate some light, it's a very dark world.
Energize my soul. Show me that you love me. The Dude. Man I never thought of myself as Jeff Lebowski, but if the shoe fits man.
So, from here on out, let me be known as "The Dude". It fits. We're waiting on "The Dude" to show up as promised to end this shit. ya, it works.
Dude is an emotional word.