Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.21460987   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0988 >>1137 >>1502 >>1662


New Frontiers in 3D Printing Shaping NASA’s Space Future

August 22, 2024


In the last month, NASA has shown how 3D printing is becoming an indispensable tool for the future of space exploration.

From testing new materials in the most extreme environments to envisioning on-demand solutions for long-duration missions, these stories highlight how NASA uses 3D printing not just to explore space but to transform the way we think about it.

These four breakthroughs illustrate how 3D printing is becoming a key component of NASA’s journey to explore and understand the universe.


Building on their ongoing partnership, NASA and Elementum 3D, together with RPM Innovations and REM Surface Engineering, are taking rocket technology to new frontiers.

At the heart of this effort is a 3D printed rocket nozzle made from Elementum 3D’s aluminum powder.

The nozzle was successfully tested in a hot-fire trial at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center last October, proving it could endure the intense heat and stress of space travel—a significant step forward in 3D printed rocket engine design.


This project is part of NASA’s broader Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RAMFIRE) initiative, which relies on new manufacturing techniques to make rocket engines better and more efficient.

By shifting from traditional methods to laser powder-directed energy deposition (LP-DED) 3D printing, NASA and its partners hope to find new ways to make complex, high-performance parts more quickly and at a lower cost.


What makes this breakthrough particularly exciting is its potential to bring large-scale nozzles, including the so-called “elusive aerospike design,” closer to reality.

Unlike traditional bell-shaped nozzles, which are only efficient at one stage of a rocket’s flight, the aerospike design keeps the rocket’s exhaust plume—the stream of hot gases expelled from the engine—flowing along the outside of the nozzle.


The bell-shaped nozzle, commonly used in most rockets, has a flared, bell-like shape that directs these gases out of the engine.

Instead, the aerospike nozzle has a spike-shaped center running along the length of the engine, allowing the gases to flow along the outside rather than being contained within a bell shape.

This design allows the rocket to maintain optimal performance at different altitudes and air pressures, adjusting as it climbs through the atmosphere.

Despite these advantages, the aerospike design hasn’t been widely used because it’s notoriously difficult to manufacture with traditional methods—until now.


By 3D printing this complex design and successfully testing it under extreme conditions, Elementum 3D reveals the potential of additive manufacturing to address age-old challenges in rocket engine design.

Here also, the post-processing work by REM Surface Engineering, which smoothed and refined the nozzle’s surface, played a key role in boosting its durability and performance.

This win for 3D printing not only proves the aerospike concept is possible but also opens the door to other designs that could improve rockets and payload capacity in future missions.


Building on the momentum of these advances in rocket technology, NASA is also looking into the next critical step: testing how new materials perform in the harsh space environment.

As part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) program, 3DCERAM will produce ceramic samples for NASA using its C1000 Flexmatic Ceramic Printer, known for its precision in creating complex, high-quality ceramic parts.

These samples will be mounted outside the International Space Station (ISS), where they will be exposed to the challenges of low Earth orbit (LEO) for six months.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.21460988   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1137 >>1502 >>1662


This experiment is essential to understand how 3D printed ceramics behave in space.

The results could lead to developing new materials for spacecraft exteriors, potentially paving the way for more durable and heat-resistant components that can endure the rough conditions of space travel, including exposure to radiation, extreme temperatures, and microgravity.


Looking further into the future, the work at the University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy offers a glimpse into how 3D printing could support long-duration space missions.

A recent visit by Dr. J.D. Polk, NASA’s Chief Health and Medical Officer, and Dr. Neal Zapp, Manager of NASA’s Health and Medical Authority, to UCL’s 3D printing lab and FabRx—a UCL spinout specializing in pharmaceutical 3D printing—pointed to the potential of this technology to produce medications on demand in space.


FabRx, closely linked to UCL’s research efforts, is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for personalized medicine, which could be crucial for long-duration space missions.

After all, the power to 3D print personalized medicines in a deep-space environment on-demand would be a game changer for missions to Mars or beyond, where bringing a full pharmacy is not at all possible.

Instead, this technology could ensure that astronauts have access to the treatments they need, tailored to their specific requirements, without bulky medical supplies.


In collaboration with the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and UCL’s School of Pharmacy, FabRx has already published a comprehensive review on the state of drug delivery in space and the future of pharmaceutical manufacturing beyond Earth.

This review highlights the growing need to consider how astronauts will access essential medicines during extended missions.

Finally, NASA’s Mentoring and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) program brings fresh talent into space exploration.

By supporting students from underrepresented communities and smaller institutions, MOSAICS is helping to build a more diverse and innovative STEM workforce to contribute to the agency’s mission.


Recently, NASA awarded $6 million to 20 teams from emerging research institutions across the United States that have historically not been part of the agency’s research efforts—such as Hispanic-serving institutions, historically Black universities, and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander institutions.

Among these projects is the research conducted at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez on the “Controlled Assembly of Amphiphilic Janus Particles in Polymer Matrix for Novel 3D Printing Applications in Space.”

Led by principal investigator Ubaldo Cordova-Figueroa, this research focuses on using soft materials composed of Janus particles within polymer matrices, which can potentially transform material properties for space applications.

Done in collaboration with NASA’s Glenn Research Center and Purdue University, the projects seek to create novel 3D printing applications that could one day be used in space.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:15 a.m. No.21461038   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1131 >>1137 >>1159 >>1502 >>1662

Talented Teams Tackle Toasty Planet

Aug 21, 2024


Exoplanets, look out! Two NASA-funded teams of amateur astronomers are tracking you with their backyard telescopes.

These two teams, called UNITE (UNISTELLAR Network Investigating TESS Exoplanets) and Exoplanet Watch, have combined forces to confirm a new planetary discovery—a toasty "warm Jupiter".

"I pinch myself every day when I recall that I have made a meaningful scientific contribution to astronomy by helping professional astronomers confirm and characterize a new exoplanet,” said Darren Rivett, a volunteer from Australia who contributed to the effort.


Planets around other stars, called exoplanets, sometimes block the light from the stars they orbit. When this happens, it’s called a “transit”.

Amateur astronomers can observe exoplanet transits with their own telescopes by watching for the light from a nearby star to dim.

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) sees these dimming events, too—many thousands of them.

But just seeing a star dim once is not enough. You need to catch multiple dimming events (and perform various other checks) to know that you’ve found a new exoplanet.


That’s where volunteers from the UNITE and Exoplanet Watch projects come in.


These two teams of amateur astronomers have collaborated with the SETI Institute to detect the transit of an object called TIC 393818343 b (aka TOI 6883 b)—proving to the world that this object does indeed contain a planet orbiting a star.

First, the UNISTELLAR and SETI Institute team saw a single transit signal detected by the TESS space telescope.

They gathered data to predict when the planet would transit again. They then alerted the UNITE and Exoplanet Watch amateurs to help observe the host star for signs of a transiting planet during the predicted time.

The observations from the two networks showed two new transit detections, confirming the predictions, and demonstrating that a planet indeed causes the signals.


This newly discovered giant planet falls into the "warm Jupiter" category of exoplanets, meaning it orbits closer to its host star than Jupiter, or even the Earth does.

Astronomers have even predicted that it might, under certain circumstances, migrate still further inward toward its star to become a "hot Jupiter.”

Hot or not, thanks to some terrific teamwork, we are now one step closer to understanding the population of planets that lies outside our own Solar System.

The news is now published in the Astronomical Journal, and all the citizen scientists involved, including a high school student, are co-authors on this scientific publication, “Confirmation and Characterization of the Eccentric, Warm Jupiter TIC 393818343 b with a Network of Citizen Scientists”.


UNITE (UNISTELLAR Network Investigating TESS Exoplanets) uses the global network of observers with UNISTELLAR telescopes to gather data on TESS exoplanet candidates and long-duration exoplanet transits.

To get involved, no matter what kind of telescope you have, visit or reach out to


Participation is open to everyone, regardless of citizenship.

“What I find amazing about the NASA citizen science project is that they involve people from all around the world contributing meaningful observation data that leads to incredible discoveries!”

Sophie Saibi, a high school student from California who participated. “Researching as a citizen scientist is something I highly recommend to anyone who gazes at the night sky with awe and wonder,” said Rivett.

Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.21461087   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1094 >>1137 >>1502 >>1662

Dozens of indigenous satellites under construction in Iran, says Iranian Space Agency

22 August 2024 2:41 PM


Salariyeh said on Thursday that 30 indigenous satellites are under construction in Iran, of which 20 will be built by the private sector.

The senior Iranian space official also noted that 12 satellites have been successfully put into orbit since August 2021.

He said the Iranian Space Agency has 14 satellites scheduled for launch.


The pace of designing and manufacturing homegrown satellites has accelerated as the ISA has set up joint projects with the private sector, Salariyeh said.

Despite sanctions imposed by Western countries in recent years, Iran has taken giant strides in the civilian space program.

The country is among the world’s top 10 nations capable of developing and launching satellites.


Earlier this year, Iran successfully sent the homegrown Mahda research satellite, along with two research cargoes, to space onboard the domestically developed Simorgh (Phoenix) satellite launch vehicle (SLV).

Mahda weighs 32 kilograms and its primary task is to test the satellite-related subsystems, verify the function of Simorgh SLV in dispensing space cargoes, and evaluate the performance of new designs and the reliability of indigenous technologies in space.


Earlier, the Aerospace Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) successfully put the Soraya satellite into an orbit 750 kilometers above Earth in 11 minutes.

The research satellite, manufactured by the ISA, was launched with a Qaem-100 space launch vehicle (SLV).

Qaem-100 is a three-stage SLV with solid fuel developed by the IRGC Aerospace Force.,-says-Iranian-Space-Agency

Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.21461176   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1502 >>1662

SpaceX delays launch of Polaris Dawn private spacewalk mission to Aug. 27

August 22, 2024


The crew for SpaceX's next astronaut mission will wait one extra day before launching to space.


SpaceX's Polaris Dawn mission — the first in history to feature a private spacewalk —was slated for Monday, Aug. 26, but will now launch no earlier than Tuesday, Aug. 27.

The shift comes two days after the Polaris Dawn crew arrived in Florida for the final leg of their pre-mission preparations.


The delay was announced Wednesday night (Aug. 21), in a post by SpaceX on X, formerly twitter, accompanied by a a mission preview video highlighting the crew, modified Dragon spacecraft, and SpaceX's new extravehicular activity (EVA) spacesuits.


"The new date allows additional time for teams to complete preflight checkouts ahead of next week’s launch," SpaceX wrote in a follow-up post, specifying the reason for the 24-hour schedule change.


The mission will lift-off from Launch Complex-39A, at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Polaris Dawn's four-hour launch window opens Tuesday morning (Aug. 27) at 3:38 a.m. EDT (0738 GMT), and will kickoff a five-day mission that will include the first-ever spacewalk conducted by private astronauts.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.21461273   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1275 >>1279 >>1502 >>1662


The moon was once covered by an ocean of molten rock, data from India's space mission suggests

August 22, 2024


Data from India’s recent Chandrayaan-3 mission supports the idea that an ocean of molten rock once covered the moon.

Scientists from the mission have published their new findings in the journal Nature.

On Aug. 23 2023, a lander called Vikram successfully touched down on the lunar surface.


Controllers then deployed a rover called Pragyan, which had been stowed on Vikram, to explore the landing site.

The location where Vikram touched down was further south than any other landing craft had previously been on the moon.

It gave scientists an insight into geology of the moon that had not yet been sampled.


Pragyan’s measurements found that the particular mix of chemical elements in the lunar soil (or regolith) surrounding the lander was relatively uniform.

This regolith was primarily made up of a white rock type called ferroan anorthosite.

The scientists say the chemical composition of the lunar south pole regolith is intermediate between those of samples from two locations in the moon's equatorial region: those collected by astronauts on the US Apollo 16 flight in 1972, and those returned to Earth by the robotic Luna-20 mission, flown by the Soviet Union the same year.


The broad similarity in the chemical compositions of all these samples, despite the fact they came from very distant geographical locations on the moon, supports the idea that a single magma ocean covered the moon early in its history.

The moon is thought to have formed when a Mars-sized planet collided with Earth, ejecting rock that subsequently coalesced to form our planet's only satellite.

The lunar magma ocean is thought to have been present from its formation to tens or hundreds of millions of years afterwards.


The cooling and crystallization of this magma ocean eventually led to the ferroan anorthosite rocks that make up the moon's crust.

Geologically, the lunar highlands are thought to partially represent the ancient lunar crust. Chandrayaan-3, Apollo 16 and Luna 20 all landed in highland regions, allowing comparisons.

As such, it presented an opportunity to test predictions of the theory that the moon was covered in a global ocean of liquid rock – known as the lunar magma ocean (LMO) model.


The authors highlight how their measurements show the uniformity in the composition of the moon's surface over several tens of meters where the rover was operating.

"Ground-truth" measurements such as these are crucial for interpreting observations made by orbiting spacecraft.

For example, the authors compared these results with data from two previous Indian lunar missions, Chandrayaan-1 and -2, which both measured the lunar surface from orbit.


The consistency between these earlier spacecraft measurements and those made by the Pragyan rover gives new confidence to the orbital datasets.

The orbital data suggests the lunar surface in this region is uniform in its chemical composition over an area of several kilometers.

These measurements are also invaluable when it comes to interpreting lunar meteorites.

These are samples of rock ejected into space from the lunar surface when a space rock collides with the moon.


These rock fragments may later enter Earth's atmosphere, and some even hit the ground.

These represent fantastic samples, as the random nature in which they are thrown from different parts of the moon means we receive samples from areas not visited by previous missions.

However, precisely because of this random mode of sampling, it is difficult to know where on the moon they have come from, preventing us from placing them in their proper context.

So, the Pragyan rover measurements help us build a picture of what different regions of the moon look like, and how our meteorite samples compare.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.21461275   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1502 >>1662


The lunar magma ocean model was first conceived following the return of samples from the Apollo 11 mission.

That mission landed in an area dominated by dark basaltic rock (think of the stuff produced by volcanoes in Iceland or Hawaii).

However, researchers at the time noticed the Apollo 11 soils also contained fragments of white rock, rich in the mineral anorthite, which was given the name ferroan anorthosite.

This observation led to the suggestion that the white rock represented tiny fragments of the original, ancient lunar crust.

As the magma ocean cooled, denser minerals such as olivine and pyroxene sank to form a deeper layer called the mantle, while the ferroan anorthosite – being less dense than the surrounding magma – floated to form the moon's first crust.


Since the original lunar magma ocean models were proposed, various suggestions have been made to explain additional complexities about lunar samples and geological observations of the moon more generally – for example, the fact that the lunar nearside crust appears to be much thinner than that of the farside.

Equally, it is unclear exactly why the nearside has experienced so much more volcanic activity, resulting in it being dominated by vast plains of dark basaltic rock, while the farside appears to comprise more of ferroan anorthosite.

In trying to address these problems, researchers have developed detailed models to explain how the lunar crust formed and was later modified by volcanic eruptions and impact cratering.

Some models have predicted multiple layers to the lunar crust, with the ferroan anorthosite rocks at the top and more magnesium-rich rocks underneath.


Interestingly, the composition measured in this study is not what would be expected of the pristine ferroan anorthosite thought to have comprised the ancient lunar crusts. Instead, it contains more magnesium.

This observation indicates a higher concentration of certain minerals in the lunar crust than was suggested by the original lunar magma ocean models.

The authors suggest their measurements may represent a mixed composition of the ferroan anorthosite rock that makes up the ancient lunar crust, together with material from the underlying layers of more magnesium-rich rocks.


These different layers of material would have been mixed by the excavation of material during impact cratering on the moon.

In particular, the Chandrayaan-3 landing site would probably have been covered by about 1.5-2km of ejected rock from the so-called "South Pole-Aitken" impact basin – a 2,500km diameter depression in the surface that is thought to have been created by a colossal impact event early in the moon's history.

Later impact cratering events would have further mixed and distributed this material, resulting in the kind of chemical signature measured by the Chandrayaan-3 mission in this study.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.21461333   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1502 >>1662

China to launch “Earth 2.0” exoplanet observatory in 2028

August 22, 2024


China plans to launch an exoplanet observatory in 2028 with the aim of making a breakthrough detection of a potential second Earth.

Around 5,000 exoplanets have been found since 1995, but no Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of sun-like stars have been spotted.

Earth 2.0, or ET, proposed by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), intends to use six 28-centimeter-aperture wide-field optical telescopes to observe about 2 million stars in the Kepler mission star field and other, larger nearby regions, continuously monitoring for transits of so-called exo-Earths over four years.


The mission is now targeting launch in 2028, according to a new paper authored by the mission principal investigator and others and published in the Chinese Journal of Space Science.

The spacecraft will be launched to Sun-Earth Lagrange point 2—the same gravitationally stable region of space as the James Webb Space Telescope—which will provide a stable orbit, a constant view of deep space, and reduced interference from Earth.

There, ET’s optimized transit telescopes will deliver high photometric precision—the accuracy and consistency with which the telescopes can measure the brightness of stars—that will allow for the detection of small, rocky planets, previously beyond the scope of missions such as NASA’s Kepler exoplanet observatory.


While Earth-like planets have been detected, these have been found in relatively short orbits around quite bright stars or low mass red dwarfs, which emit strong radiation.

ET will be able to stare at its target patches of sky for long periods.

This extended observation time will allow it to detect planets with longer orbital periods in the habitable zones around sun-like stars, and thus potentially pick up signals of exo-Earths.


Key questions and wandering Earths

The mission will hone in on three key questions: the prevalence of exo-Earths in the galaxy, the formation and evolution of Earth-like planets, and the origin of free-floating planets.

The mission is well-placed to contribute significantly to the search for Exo-Earths, according to Jessie Christiansen, chief scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at Caltech/IPAC.

“Given our improved knowledge about the frequency of Earth-like planets, the ET team have been able to design a survey that is much more likely than Kepler was or [the European Space Agency’s] PLATO will be to detect these planets.


“This primarily involves a much larger stellar sample on which the mission will obtain high-precision photometry needed to detect Earths, achieved with both a larger field of view than Kepler and high precision to a fainter magnitude,” Christiansen told SpaceNews.

The question of rogue planets will be investigated using a 35 cm microlensing telescope.

That instrument will stare at around 30 million stars in the Galactic bulge to detect microlensing events caused when free-floating, or “rogue” planets.

These events occur when planets produce gravitational lensing effects on the light of background stars, picked up by noting characteristic anomalies in the star’s brightness curve.

The hope is to find a “wandering Earth,” floating free of stars in the void of deep space.


Progress on ET is going well, according to the paper. It describes advanced progress on key technologies for the mission, including the CMOS detector for photometric precision, satellite stability and thermal control.

All are near-ready for flight.

Once at Sun-Earth L2 and fully operational, ET can begin filling cutting-edge work in searching for exo-Earths, something that otherwise may not happen for a while.


“Currently the only mission scheduled to fly in the next decade that may detect Earth-like planets is NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and that will only detect them with microlensing – a fleeting measurement of a distant signal that disappears rapidly and doesn’t appear again.

These planets will be useful for statistically understanding the habitable real estate of the galaxy, but won’t represent the valuable, individual planets that we want to characterize in detail with other telescopes.”



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.21461390   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1502 >>1662

First Guardians graduate United States Air Force Honor Guard technical training

Aug. 21, 2024


History was made on Aug. 16, as six Space Force students out of basic military training became the first Guardians to graduate technical training at the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

The graduates, five men and one woman, completed the nine-week training with 12 of their fellow Airmen.


“This is a special day for the Air Force and Space Force.

These ceremonial guardsmen represent what all our Airmen and Guardians are doing all around the world, past, present and future,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Ryan A.F. Crowley, JBAB and 11th Wing commander. “We look forward to seeing them thrive in our Air Force and Space Force, we’re proud of them.”


U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Peter E. Mask, commander for the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, applauded his new ceremonial guardsmen for the extraordinary achievement.

“Today is historic. It’s the first ever combined Air Force and Space Force graduation, and we are extremely proud of the graduates who worked very hard,” Mask said.

“It’s been an inspiration to watch them from outside the window on the campus, you can feel the energy there, and you can even feel the energy here at the graduation – it’s electric.”


The graduating class, Class 24 Delta, is a first on two fronts. It is the first group of Guardians to complete the nine-week course that ran from June 17 to Aug. 16, and the first U.S. Air Force Honor Guard technical training class to combine two military branches.

Mask pointed to a few nuances that play into the historic nature of the graduation ceremony.


“It’s interesting that this ceremony corresponds to being just two weeks shy of the one-year anniversary of us actually crossing the first 16 Air Force [Airmen] over to become Space Force Guardians,” Mask said.

“That, along with this class being Class 24 Delta, with delta being a Space Force term, shows the different Space Force touchpoints tied to this class.

“We are happy that they graduated, and we look forward to them serving as we prepare for the inauguration. We are excited to see them represent their service in the days ahead,” Mask said.


Featured speaker at the graduation, U.S. Space Force Chief Master Sgt. Abifarin Scott, Space Force chief of enlisted development, expressed his appreciation for the learning, training and discipline the trainees go through to become ceremonial guardsmen.

“They represent the best of all of us,” Scott said.

“We all go from civilian to service member and every branch has its own basic training or boot camp where you start to learn what it means to be a Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, Marine or Guardian.

But, once you leave the training environment, that training starts to slip, but not here. In fact, here, they tighten it up so much, that only a few can do this.”


While both the Space and Air Force honor guards share the same mission, bringing over another military branch requires some level of adjustment in how the technical training is delivered, according to Sgt. Sergkei Triantafyllidis, a technical instructor with the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard.

“Our primary mission is the same, and that is to perform funerals at Arlington National Cemetery, so is this regard the course is exactly the same,” Triantafyllidis said.

“There are minor differences [between the branches], for example, on the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform, [the Space Force] has the national flag with the union in the left top corner, and because the union needs to be to the front, they wear it on a different shoulder.

The Space Force wears theirs on the left shoulder and the Air Force wears theirs on the right shoulder.”


In addition, Triantafyllidis pointed out that the Space Force ceremonial guardsmen wear a Delta symbol on their ceremonial dress uniforms whereas the Air Force ceremonial guardsman’s uniform displays a Hap Arnold device.



Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.21461486   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1502 >>1662

CMSSF Bentivegna visits Goodfellow AFB

Aug. 21, 2024


Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John Bentivegna, toured Goodfellow Air Force Base, Aug. 16, to see what Guardians experience as the newest detachment at a joint center of excellence for students in the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance career fields.

The base tour included visits to the intelligence training squadrons and Guardian development flight dorms, a Guardian all-call and concluded with a 9S100 briefing.

It highlighted the integral parts that these facilities play in supporting the Department of Defense’s greater mission and developing joint warfighters.


To begin, Bentivegna sat down with 17th Training Wing leadership during a mission brief at the Norma Brown building, where he learned the long history of Goodfellow AFB and discussed daily training operations.

Shortly after, Bentivegna toured the 533rd Training Squadron Detachment 1, where he saw how Guardians had started establishing themselves and developing their own identity in a joint training environment.

Det. 1 activated on Nov. 25, 2021. Since then, the detachment has worked to establish inaugural courses in support of Space Training and Readiness Command’s training initiatives and plans to continue to be pioneers for Space Force ISR training.


During the tour, he posed a critical question: 'How do we integrate to build joint warfighters?' He followed up with another important query: 'How do you develop joint leaders?'

His answer was clear and direct: 'First and foremost, know your job. Understand what it means to be a Guardian.'

Bentivegna held an all-call for the Guardians on base to gather and discuss their role in the era of Great Power Competition and how crucial it is that the Space Force builds its own culture and highlights its purpose as a fighting force to distinguish it from its sister services.


Bentivegna emphasized the high demand for Guardians on teams but made it clear that those who wear the uniform must be fully committed and understand its significance.

He stressed, “To earn a spot on a team, you must be committed and understand what it means to wear this uniform.

You must embody the values and principles that define a Guardian.” At the end of the tour, Bentivegna was briefed on the 9S100 Special Instruments Training.

He learned how these engineering specialists train at Goodfellow before deploying to austere locations, where they are expected to perform their duties independently functioning with the responsibilities of multiple Air Force Specialty Codes to accomplish the mission.


He discussed with course instructors about the structural development of the course and how it could be applied in training for Guardians.

“Our Goodfellow Guardians absolutely loved the visit and ability to connect with Chief Bentivegna,” expressed Master Sgt. Shaun Bryant, 533rd TRS Det. 1 senior enlisted leader.

“Any time we can have the Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force visit us, it fosters connection with our Guardians and Team Goodfellow as they lead the service’s intelligence initial skills training and develop our Guardians for the service and joint force.”

Anonymous ID: 500177 Aug. 22, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21461623   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Will Smith Joins Yann Pissenem in the Opening of a New “hyperclub” With a “UFO sighting”

08/20/2024, 1:56 AM EDT


Fans who follow Will Smith on social media are well aware of how much of a social butterfly the Men in Black actor is.

Having capitalized endlessly on social media antics, rising trends, popular hashtags, and his signature reels, Smith has earned himself a reputation as a social media savant. The 55-year-old recently leveraged his online presence in an intricately planned marketing stunt, contributing to the buzz surrounding the launch of a "hyperclub," a cutting-edge nightclub concept envisioned by Yann Pissenem.


While fans have been preoccupied with analyzing the significance of his latest flying saucer report, this recent update might shed some light on what it is all about.

Will Smith recently posted a video on Instagram where he shared with his followers about witnessing a "UFO sighting" in Ibiza, prompting him to investigate further.

To get to the bottom of it, Smith reached out to Yann Pissenem, known as “the king of Ibiza.”


Pissenem’s response was simply a location pin, guiding Smith to the rooftop of the construction site.

Waiting to welcome the actor to UNVRS, with the Men in Black theme song playing in the background, Pissenem ultimately welcomed the world to the “hyperclub”.


The club's announcement began on July 31, when many in Ibiza reported spotting a mysterious object in the sky near Es Vedra—now understood as part of their meticulously crafted viral campaign.

In a recent interview with Billboard, Yann Pissenem, the owner, founder, and CEO of The Night League, described a "hyperclub" as "the next evolution in global nightlife."

The UNVRS, set to be completed by 2025, marks the first step in realizing this vision by the creator of Ibiza's iconic clubs HĂŻ and UshuaĂŻa, as well as The Night League.


Pissenem envisions it as a space designed to preserve the "raw energy of a rave" while bridging the present and future within a breathtaking architectural setting.

While in Ibiza, Smith also made most of his time at the super-club UshuaĂŻa.

