May ID: c390f1 and their entire kin up until 3rd cousin perish horribly in a fire.
You can tell these are fake people because when they write happy things it sounds like a Hallmarks card.
>>21458767 (pb) clandestine opines think behind the scenes
If RFK became the head of CIA to cleansed the kind of kin who killed his uncle, that would be the most undisputed movie-grade form of justice I ever heard.
>>21459239, >>21459241, >>21459242, >>21459253, >>21459267 (all pb) Does ivermectin cause infertility?
I been sayin' dosage is everything for a while now. Ivermectin is a 1 dose wonder drug for killing parasites. The official dosage is to take it like every 2 to 4 weeks because that is the breeding cycle of parasites and their eggs hatching. Those of you taking it everyday at max dose ontop of that using fenbenezole should maybe do equal research on dosage. I respond really well to meds because I've just always followed the recommended doses. There are some exceptions like with Vitamin D being stupidly under-dosed but in general watch out for dosages.
I'm down to accept Poland as a Commonwealth property.
I'm just sayin' watch out for dosages in general, even with Ivermectin. Synthetic drugs are still harsh on the liver and kidneys. I can give an example of those SARMS pills. Literally steroids in 1 regular pill size. The difference between taking 1 and 2 pills per day is drastic. I used them before, they work, and they work almost too good.