>This is reality
A shoppd version of the Boston album cover?
Or, it could be blackmail money to keep Iran quiet about the EU's (led by Merkel) role in Hussein's Iran deal.
>over 15/17ths of the time
Anywhere else this would be considered hyperbole but here I actually take you as being literal.
The deep state can't compete with the level of autistic accuracy anons bring to this board.
It's cool. Was just a C_A nigger getting back at you for BTFOing his ass out in a previous bread.
There's always something for shills & easily agitated anons to bitch about. The topic may cycle but the bitching is universal.
Muh Catalog - Muh Catalog - Muh Catalog - Muh Catalog - Muh Catalog
(Catalog Fixed)
Muh Notables - Muh Notables - Muh Notables - Muh Notables - Muh Notables
There will come a time in the 2020's where an anon is at a party and the host shows him the framed Q (You) next to his wedding photo.