since the fbis is a tranny factory, has anyone notice the mog pattern yet #michelamoore
the mog
the lone star
the pizza the hut
hoggwash is gaslighting
all teh iconic ironic superfalous superlative archetypes on a ltar of 1010111000101010101010101010101010
upcycled marmots ??
damn nazis
someday this will be red to someones daughter in a book iirc
for teh memes !!!!!!!!!!!
maybe the gerrbils are suppose meet teh mueller for the southpark story
if your having problems with a cia nigga on the couch have them paypal flying spaghetti monster right away
is the cia after your memes satire pasta popadacorn
idk it seemed funy to choose
spitefagging is usually propoganda by despotuc means huh
all teh popadacorn and all teh shrimoies couldnlt out darth vader back together again