Suffice it to the day the evil there in.
Sometimes people are martyrs, anon.
It's just how the devil rules the world
Suffice it to the day the evil there in.
Sometimes people are martyrs, anon.
It's just how the devil rules the world
and it's another thing to phrase everything you say as if you are accusing everyone else of some egregious breech of morals.
the accuser.
this is how satanic people try to make other people feel bad.
you are not succeeding.
your act is old, your methods well known.
no, anon, you're doing your fear-and-loathing bit and you side-bit 'satanic accuser'.
you have a fowl point of view and you want people to be afraid.
maybe you should spend more time praying and reading scripture and understand that your plotting an planning is going to do you no good when you have that kind of attitude.
and you can't help but try and stab at everyone else.
you are the 'nothing you ever do is good enough' persona doing a 'fear and loathing' bit as well to spread fear.
let me see, what started this? oh, yes, you accused me of doing things to harm others by allowing bad things to happen to them.
so I think you're the one who started making things up, anon.
look I'm really going to filter you now because this has gone on long enough.
wasn't it the twin brother that was the Ukrainigarch turncoat in the Trump Whitehouse?
The highborn princes in their own minds, handed their high lives due to their ukrainigarch-ness.
they have the same birthdates and the same mother so they are twins.
even on judgement day you'll be impervious?
Mocking God and name calling . . . hum . . .
and probably baring false witness . . .
I guess you could say it was all a great big joke.
The Lord is very forgiving.
doubling down for judgement day, huh?
tell Him that when you meet him, anon. I don't need to hear your tired slanders, you post them here all the time so I've already seen it.
by 1943 and 44 Hitler gave the orders to blow up whole cities: Rome, Paris, Naples.
so if he was 'sane' in 1922, he wasn't in 1943.
how easy are you manipulated?
how easily you try to manipulate.