Anonymous ID: 855a6c Aug. 22, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.21462691   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2697 >>2764


wouldn't you like to know..

anons can live below the tax threshold and stay under the radarโ€ฆ

anon walks amongst the normmies

only on 8kun can anon speak freely.

first thing gauge what level of person your are talking to, watch body language, speaks, sound bites. give little hints to see reaction of statement impact.

most have no idea, some have a pompos attitude, and others will just say, that it is too much for them, they just do not watch or listen to the things that make them uncomfortable.

even moar are just buried in the phones, tech and bread and circus distractions..

never give your real name to strangers.

not long now and anon will be gone.

Anonymous ID: 855a6c Aug. 22, 2024, 3:39 p.m. No.21462764   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2771


do not carry a mobile on contract.

get a dumb phone.

use the internet home with a separate browser and vpn.

get a tap phone to pay for items if cash is not available.

do odd jobs to make money, cash in hand.

be wary of females and doing jobs for them, they will use it against you or report you to the state, only work for people who you have vetted before and as a favour.

anons will be fine unless they get rid of physical cash.

this is the big problem and the real danger.

you can work without resorting to crime.

anons have a massive lifelong experience in many various trades.

your most valuable asset is your word and reputation.

cut your costs as much as posssible and look for alternatives to the big tech companies unless there is no choice.

as for being on the internet. there are two paths, one keep a bland social media ac where you post boring shit.

two, never leave a digital footprint, fake emails, phone numbers, multiple online archives, minimal tech at home and above all

be a retard when necessary and play dumb.