>The sacriffing of the red heifers in Israel, was a ritual/spell to kill DJT.
>They have no power over us anymore.
>The sacriffing of the red heifers in Israel, was a ritual/spell to kill DJT.
>They have no power over us anymore.
Give to Cesar what is… https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr-Sirhan-Sirhan-didn-t-16686114.php
>Robert Kennedy Jr.: What's causing this suffering? I'll name two culprits.
I can do it in one. Satanic industrialists.
>“It is exciting to have so many people here today who have supported the excavation and construction of the project,”
Demon physics gives me a raging boner!
>Anon agrees. This anon has made sure the fam is covered and prepped for worst-case, but hopes for best case scenario.
>Can only give advice…sadly many wont accept it
Believe it or not, I've tried this with others. It doesn't work, because people turn on one another.