Over 9 now.
Sooooooo, RFK was that R character all along, which means he's probably Q as well. I think I can see the plan kinda clear now… Better pray to God we win. Even if we do, between Nov and Jan swear in, USA is going to be in civil war, riots everywhere. Economy crashed, forget the internet, they're going to destroy it in so many places there will be nothing left. Fucked either way… Yes, we are fucked bad now. Out country waited way too long to destroy the evil. It's gotten its tentacles into everything. Gov, all of our schools, small towns, infrastructure. It needs to be scraped clean and the only way that can happen, is if we burn it all and start over. Hope you fuckers like farming and have learned a useful skill.
You need to google and watch, "The lie that NASA told" by YRFT. (yellow rose for Texas)
You will have to pause and rewind that film a lot… but if you really want to know your history and how to read the sumerian tablets in cuniform, you need to listen to her.
No, he's right.
If you're referring to the fringe, it doesn't mean anything. The speaker decides if they want fringe or not. It's simply an option and has NEVER meant anything more. Some gay faggot noticed it one day and started spinning conspiracies. The rest of the faggots were so eager for a conspiracy they sold off and started spreading it everywhere. It went viral in one week. Everyone is so damn retarded and they think they are the ones who are awake. Most of them have fallen so deep into a dream state, they'll be lost forever. Their little reality is so broken that they'll fight to defend it because it's all they know and they refuse to think they could be wrong.
Anon, I love you…please, just this one, trust me and check youtube for, "the lie that Nasa told." It will not only confirm everything you said, but it was show you a hell of a lot more.
start here, but pay attention to the web address of the original, long version. seek it out… find the truth.
R talked about aliens in his post. The grey aliens. Q finally admitted aliens were real and required the highest security clearance to talk about. I wonder if there is an alien on the Q team? Maybe Q is an alien?