Anonymous ID: c841dc Aug. 23, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.21469727   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>when the shills are feeling bad, they trot out the flat earth shit.

when the shills are feeling bad, they trot out the flat earth shit.




Your frustration is a good example of why leftists filter "flat earth".

Something to think about when you come to QResearch to debate it.

The earth is flat ISH.

The waters are above and below.

The firmament is the dome above.

It is all scientific, you just don't know how it works yet.

If you knew how it worked, you would not do anything at all every single day of your life.

You'd just sit and wait until the end of your days.

The stars are a visual hologram of our reality.

A monumental production to demonstrate to us how we achieved so little with so few but impressed so many.

Could you imagine seeing yourself in the stars?

The stars being reflective surfaces that we project light through to the surface.

You will see the stars differently once you look at it light up like a screen.

When you see the "pixels" of the mural, you will see start to see the patterns.

When you see the patterns, you will notice they're not by chance.

When you notice they are not by chance, you will see the artwork.

You will be amazed.

Reality is way different than what you've been taught.

To start, look for curves or hard edges.

Imagine thousands of stars burst forward from the big bang to produce a box. How?

How are there so many cube shapes?

So many triangles? So many spherical shapes in the night sky?

Look at the colours, they will matter as to how you see which scene you are looking at.

The art has different backgrounds per slide.

Don't look at the highly processed imagery that looks very sharp, you need the "noise" they filter out to make the pictures correct.

High resolution amateur photographs are better to see the true night sky unless you have a telescope …. and patience… and steady hands… you can see what they are saying.

Anonymous ID: c841dc Aug. 23, 2024, 4 p.m. No.21469786   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9879 >>9968 >>0009


Are there things that have to happen before the Book of Revelation unfolds?

What happens to Damascus? Has it happened yet? Gog Magog? Where are they? Where are the four corners of the earth?

What is the earth?

Why is the shape of the earth a state secret that space agencies protect?

Why would it matter?