Policy of Hoe Joy
price controls
Policy of Hoe Joy
price controls
Very grateful for the opportunity to witness. Anons deserved this day!
democrats lurching from one debacle to another reminiscent of men winning boxing gold vs women and all spiteful vengeful and full of hate
yo a -this is what a real crowd in a real life situation is and you kunt kammunist shop in here without shirts and shoes
is this Christmas? Feels like it.
Turkey Meat and Goose Birds - Let us plan for a joint Thanksgiving feast we are all aware is well past due.
dismantle the peanut butter cops
know why the cannibal left is so mad they lost their pot roast supplier –
ZONA —- a flyover mid no where western border state went super orbit world wide wave sound and sonic and that's how many votes he carries in the POS hole known as the WH Elite East Coast scowling kammie Charlie loving weifaho
this is getting - oh so hot and real good, bread hot and fluffy - ready to go
msndcnnkumshits declaring Kennedy ain't no Demoncrat – bwahahahhaahaaa
p.s. no shit kumlock
Dems just lost the weak kneed democrats still bowing but leaving their own stead
the msdncult rev has the rest whipped in shape