Anonymous ID: ecc811 Aug. 23, 2024, 11:50 p.m. No.21472394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So when someone says that the GOP has been the one to keep black Americans down.


Here's a list of significant pieces of legislation that have impacted Black Americans, along with their approximate support percentages by political party:


  1. Civil Rights Act of 1964

  2. House Vote: Passed with 152 Republicans and 111 Democrats voting in favor, 35 Republicans and 96 Democrats against.

  3. Senate Vote: Passed with 27 Republicans and 46 Democrats in favor, 6 Republicans and 21 Democrats against.


  1. Voting Rights Act of 1965

  2. House Vote: Passed with 333 votes in favor (87 Republicans, 244 Democrats) and 63 against (24 Republicans, 39 Democrats).

  3. Senate Vote: Passed with 77 votes in favor (30 Republicans, 47 Democrats) and 19 against (16 Democrats, 3 Republicans).


  1. Fair Housing Act of 1968

  2. House Vote: Passed with 168 Republicans and 143 Democrats in favor, 39 Republicans and 73 Democrats against.

  3. Senate Vote: Passed with 71 votes in favor (29 Republicans, 42 Democrats) and 22 against (20 Democrats, 2 Republicans).


  1. Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

  2. House Vote: Passed with significant bipartisan support, although specific percentages are harder to detail.

  3. Senate Vote: Passed with 69 votes in favor, including bipartisan support.


  1. Welfare Reform Act of 1996

  2. House Vote: Passed with 240 Republicans and 102 Democrats in favor, 205 Democrats and 1 Republican against.

  3. Senate Vote: Passed with 73 votes in favor (52 Republicans, 21 Democrats) and 27 against (27 Democrats).


These percentages reflect the political divides of the time and how different parties viewed these pieces of legislation, often aligning with broader ideological stances on civil rights and social welfare.