>Get the fuck over yourself about how you want things, this is not about you, it's about something much bigger.
I'm predicting the Military is going after [THEM].
Never forget that there are hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments just waiting to be uncorked.
As a rule it's best to avoid [THEM] but if any of [THEM] ever puts anyone, including me, in fear of imminent death or great bodily injury, we're all trained to exercise whatever is necessary in defense of self or others.
In short, lie low.
Things may get very active over the next couple of months.
I have a feeling there will be active and visible United States Military personnel on United States soil real soon, taking steps to do the Cleanup on Aisle 666 that this country so desperately needs at this time.
Leave that work to the good guys, unless you're attacked.
Then fight like hell to defend yourself and others.
>gotta fight underground
Oh, thank you for reminding me of this, Anon.
It conjured up a memory that I had, deep in the recesses of my brain, reminding me that I read an article on Military.com about the underground training that the United States Military was doing back in 2018.
In other words, sounds like this plan's been in motion for quite a while, and that's why I'm still trusting it every day, and doing my part to the extent I can, from where I sit.
LINK - https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/06/24/army-spending-half-billion-train-troops-fight-underground.html
ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/COq1H
I wish we could have watched the end for this one and all the others.