Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit
Many of you still have no idea the shit they were gonna do before Trump somehow, by some miracle, beat their cheat for Hillary, and stopped them.
Then after they launched their pandemic in 2020, they had a whole new agenda full of shit they planned to do us. In 5 yrs of lockdowns.
He stopped most of what they were planning to do to us…again.
And many of you still don't 'get' this.
You think Trump epically fucked up.
Now he's bringing in RFK Jr. to be the point man on exposing Fauci & his goon squad for hiding the real origins of the Covid-19 virus, and how the US gov't paid for the gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan to create it.
"Well Trump'll take a back seat on this, he's compromised, made all kinds of bad decisions on COVID, he helped them do all that shit to us, so it's better if RFK Jr. leads the way on this!" people who don't understand what they're looking at are commenting.
He had to call his shots and stop what he could stop when massive parts of the federal government he was supposedly leading were deliberately undermining him and working hard to destroy him and throw him out of office.
Some of the things they did, he couldn't stop it. I still see comments on here from people who actually think Trump could've fired Fauci. They don't understand how it actually worked.
They forget he was walking the tightrope the entire first term. He had people under him constantly trying to 'guide' and 'advise' him into destroying himself.
Once reason they're so panicked about having him come back is that his enemies in the DC establishment understand something even many Trump supporters don't get:
Trump was playing dumb the first time around.
The second time around he's not only not gonna play dumb, he's openly talking about the severe REVENGE he's got planned for those who weren't loyal and didn't carry out his commands and engaged in treason.
It's a good strategy, yes, bringing in RFK Jr. to be the point man in destroying everything Fauci and corrupticrats built over the last 40 years in our federal health/medical agencies, while Trump puts his feet up and watches from a distance.
But not for the reasons some people are claiming to you.