Everything the DNCCP has done has come out of the Russian mafia graft playbook. Remember their exodus to Israhel after "the wall fell down" and subsequent sayanim invasion, with MOS handlers. From selling soviet subs to redirecting billions to their cronies from their petty government offices, it's all in the public record, where the DS faggots spying on us here would never think to look.
Its all RICO. Enforce the laws on the books.
Bitter Hillary wants to destroy America. We ruined her fucking dreams.
"Deep State Lackey" is that like "former C_A clown"?
All the convicted pedos so far were friends of Hillary and (((steins)))
Comrade Soetoro obliterated Social Security and Medicare by giving it away to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants who infiltrated our Country!
There will be no future because Comrades Bibi, Voldemort & Bidan started a Nuclear World War III!
Hillary and her foreign “handlers” are trying to make it sound like I am the Incumbent President, so that they can blame me for the decline and fall of the United States. They are all traitors and they are all bringing their own doom down on themselves, along with us.