Anonymous ID: 5e2f37 Aug. 25, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.21480981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1110 >>1327 >>1386 >>1449 >>1668 >>1722

Pavel Durov: Russia calls Telegram founder a 'political prisoner' after arrest in France


Telegram founder Pavel Durov is a "political prisoner" after his arrest in France, a Russian official has said. The 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire behind the encrypted messaging app was detained after his private jet landed at Le Bourget airport on the outskirts of Paris on Saturday. It is unclear what Mr Durov was arrested for but BFMTV reported the warrant concerned a lack of moderators on Telegram and potential criminal activity, including the app's possible use in money laundering, drug trafficking or sharing of child sex abuse content. Russian lawmakers have condemned his arrest, with Maria Butina - who spent 15 months in a US prison for acting as an unregistered Russian agent - accusing Europe of trying to seize control of Telegram. "Pavel Durov is a political prisoner - a victim of a witch-hunt by the West," she said. "The arrest of Pavel Durov means there is no freedom of speech - it means that freedom of speech in Europe is dead. "Now basically they have a hostage and they will try to blackmail Russia, they will try to blackmail all the users of Telegram and not only try to get control but also try to block the network here in Russia."

Mr Durov left Russia in 2014 after losing control of his previous social media company Vkontakte (VK). He refused to comply with government demands to shut down opposition groups on the platform and would not hand over data on Ukrainian protesters to security agencies. He moved to Dubai in 2017 and became a French citizen in August 2021. The Russian embassy in France has also called for consular access to Mr Durov and demanded his rights be ensured, according to Russian state news agency TASS. France has so far "avoided engagement" on the situation with Durov and Russian diplomats are in contact with his lawyer, the embassy said.

Local reports suggest Mr Durov could face an indictment on Sunday. The French interior ministry, police and Paris prosecutor's office had no comment on his arrest. Telegram is one of the most downloaded apps in the world, with close to one billion users. It offers end-to-end encryption - effectively protecting data from being intercepted - and has a strong focus on privacy.

Anonymous ID: 5e2f37 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21481333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1350



Ross Ulbricht created e-commerce website called Silk Road

First-time offender, all non-violent charges, two life sentences + 40 years without parole

Ross Ulbricht is condemned to die in prison for creating an e-commerce website called Silk Road. An entrepreneur passionate about free markets and privacy, he was 26 when he made the site. He was never prosecuted for causing harm or bodily injury and no victim was named at trial.

Users of Silk Road chose to exchange a variety of goods, both legal and illegal, including drugs (most commonly small amounts of cannabis). Prohibited was anything involuntary that could harm a third party.

Ross was not convicted of selling drugs or illegal items himself, but was held responsible for what others sold on the site.

BC: Do you think it’s strange that Bridges was caught trying to change his name, Social Security, and still remains on bail on the outside?


In Depth Interview With Lyn Ulbricht: Family, Activism, and Justice

BC: Recently Carl Force and Shaun Bridges have been found guilty of going rogue on duty and betraying the public. Do you think this shows the blatant corruption in this investigation?

LU: It certainly confirms that there was widespread corruption on the site investigation. Shaun Bridges was a computer forensics expert with the Secret Service, that’s why I believe he was assigned to the case. Force was pretty good too with this technology, which shows me that they have the ability to have done a lot of things on that site. Our attorneys have said that they had the capability to change passwords, reset PIN numbers, commandeer accounts, including DPR’s (Dread Pirate Roberts) account. They had the power to post private messages, public messages in the forum, and in the marketplace itself. These agents had access to keys, access to bank accounts — basically, they could do whatever they want.


BC: Do you think it’s strange that Bridges was caught trying to change his name, Social Security, and still remains on bail on the outside?

LU: It’s a pretty blatant double standard because of the argument they used against Ross’s bail. We put together a very strong bail package for Ross. Twenty-seven people who are not wealthy stepped up and pledged their houses, life savings, whatever they could to help him. We got a million dollars in pledges, plus over seventy letters to the judge saying he was not a flight risk and he was not a threat. That was more than our attorney had ever seen in his very long career of thirty plus years in law. We Americans do have a right to bail. But they used “flight risk” and “dangerous” because of these unproven and later uncharged murder-for-hire allegations to deny him bail. Then this guy Shaun Bridges is changing his name, social security, and he’s not a flight risk? Ok, give him the house arrest and an ankle bracelet, but give it to Ross too— this is a double standard. This “dangerousness” allegation was false because Ross had no priors, no violence, and he was never even charged with it. It’s very inconsistent and it’s not fair to Ross.

Anonymous ID: 5e2f37 Aug. 25, 2024, 3:11 p.m. No.21481350   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> But they used “flight risk” and “dangerous” because of these unproven and later uncharged murder-for-hire allegations to deny him bail. - Lyn Ulbricht