Registration by any body, illegal or not, homeless.
Register at X address.
Body moves, relocates, disappears or is deported.
Name on DB still exists.
Voter ballot sent out to address intentional or purposefully filled out to land at location.
Location or redirect location is controlled by cabal.
The Location becomes a printing press for fake ballots, signature fraud.
“Location redirect” due to bad address or moved, redirects to USPS where coding takes over.
Cabal clowns program USPS readers to auto redirect any invalid voters, loved addresses, vacant or otherwise undelivered mail into “the bin” auto pilot.
The bin is the location where all ballots go to die and redirect to “the location” with a few insider crooks who knowingly or unknowingly move “bad mail” into trucks. Truck drivers get switched out and nobody knows who’s on deck.
“The location” also redirects laundering both “the bin” and “the location” ballots (after signed and voting for DNC then get shipped i to system to be counted, muled in and spread around.